The Game of Life

"The Game of Life" was developed in the seventies by the mathematician John Conway as a method of studying population dynamics. It is a simple mathematical simulation of life carried out using a 2D "world" which is subdivided into a number of cells. Each of the cells in the 2D world can be in one of two states: containing a living organism or empty. Although the rules governing the occupation of the cells are remarkably simple they can give rise to quite complex behaviour. Whether an organism in a cell survives, dies or is born is determined by the number of live neighbours the cell has. The rules for survival, death and birth are as follows:

Write a C program to implement the game of life. Include in your report a brief description of some of the more common types of "cell community" that the program produces. In addition, you should modify the 'rules of the game' and determine the effects of the modifications on the types of cell communities produced.