Course Timetable

Week begin.


(C27, Monday 12:00)

Lab. Session (B11)

Group A : Tue (10:00-11:00)

Groups B, C: Tue. (14:00-16:00)

Mon. 29th Jan.

Arrays, pointers and data manipulation

Arrays, pointers and graphics

Mon. 5th Feb.

Finite differences, numerical differentiation and interpolation

Memory allocation, differentiation and interpolation

Mon. 12th Feb.

Numerical solution of differential equations

Simple pendulum and Euler’s method

Mon. 19th Feb.

Numerical integration

Trapezoidal method and Simpson’s rule

Mon. 26th Feb.

Iteration, convergence and the solution of equations

Newton’s method and the secant method

Mon. 5th Mar.



Mon. 12th Mar.

Fourier series

Synthesising waveforms

Mon. 19th Mar.

Monte Carlo methods

Random numbers and Monte Carlo integration

Mon. 23rd April

PROJECT - no lecture

PROJECT - no lab. session

Mon. 30th May

PROJECT - no lecture

PROJECT - no lab. session

Mon. 7th May

PROJECT - no lecture

PROJECT - no lab. session