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41st British Universities School in Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics, 21 Aug - 3rd Sep 2011

BUSSTEPP has a long and illustrious history, here is an incomplete list of schools and lectures. If you happen to know what goes in the gaps, please get in touch.

year, place,director subject lecturer
2015, Kings College London, Sarben Sarkar QFT Jean Alexandre
standard model and beyond Ben Gripaios
Lattice Field Theory Andreas Juttner
ADS/CFT Toby Wiseman
Phenomenology Christoph Englert
Cosmology David Seery
Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics Silvia Pascoli
Experimental Physics Albert De Roeck
supersymmetry Steve West
string phenomenology Steve Abel
where are we going? John Ellis
2014, Southampton, Alexander Belyaev QFT Gero von Gersdorff
beyond the standard model Ben Gripaios
Lattice field theory Andreas Juettner
experimental particle physics Albert De Roeck
cosmology David Seery
phenomenology Sven Heinemeyer
neutrino and astroparticle physics Silvia Pascoli
supersymmetry Steve West
ADS/CFT Carlos Nunez
2013, Sussex, Sebastian Jager QFT Gero von Gersdorff
standard model and beyond Andrea Romanino, Ben Allanach
Lattice Field Theory Andreas Juttner
ADS/CFT Carlos Nunez
Phenomenology Michael Spannowsky
Cosmology David Seery
Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics Silvia Pascoli
Experimental Physics Mario Campanelli
2012, Durham, Silvia Pascoli QFT Sebastien Jaeger
standard model and beyond Andrea Romanino
Lattice field theory Luigi Del Debbio
LHC Michael Spannowsky
cosmology Ed Copeland
supersymmetry Ben Allanach
neutrinos and dark matter Thomas Schwetz
experimental physics Mario Campanelli
2011, Nottingham, Paul Saffin QFT Daniel Litim
standard model and beyond Dave Dunbar
lattice gauge theory Matt Wingate
LHC physics Bobby Acharya
cosmology Ed Copeland
experimental physics Dave Newbold
strings and AdS/CFT Amihay Hanany
2010, Swansea, Warren Perkins QFT Daniel Litim
standard model and beyond Dave Dunbar
lattice gauge theory Matt Wingate
LHC physics Tao Han
strings and AdS/CFT Rodolfo Russo
cosmology Carsten van de Bruck
experimental physics Dave Newbold
2009, Liverpool, Ian Jack QFT Tom Hollowood
standard model and beyond James Wells
lattice gauge theory Harmut Wittig
LHC physics Tao Han
strings and AdS/CFT Mukund Rangamani
cosmology Carsten van de Bruck
experimental physics Chris Lester
2008, Cambridge, Jonathan Evans strings and AdS/CFT Nick Dorey
lattice gauge theory Alistair Hart
cosmology Mark Hindmarsh
QFT Tim Hollowood
experimental physics Chris Lester
LHC physics Matt Strassler
standard model and beyond James Wells
2007, York, Niall MacKay QFT Cliff Burgess
supersymmetry Gregory Gabadadze
collider physics Peter Zerwas
experimental physics John Dainton
strings Richard Szabo
lattice gauge theory Alistair Hart
cosmology Mark Hindmarsh
2006, Edinburgh, Richard Ball collider physics Peter Zerwas
QFT Cliff Burgess
supersymmetry Gregory Gabadadze
lattice gauge theory Mikko Laine
cosmology Arjun Berera
experimental physics John Dainton
string theory Kelly Stelle
2005, Ambleside, L. Roskowski QFT Parameswaran Nair
cosmology Arjun Berera
lattice gauge theory Mikko Laine
phenomenology Gavin Salam
string theory Kelly Stelle
supersymmetry Apostolos Pilaftsis
experimental physics John Dainton
2004, Plymouth, David McMullan phenomenology Gavin Salam
string theory Sunil Mukhi
Supersymmetry Apostolos Pilaftsis
Quantum Field Theory V. P. Nair
Lattice Field Theory Andreas Kronfeld
Cosmology Arjun Berera
2003, QMUL, Jerome Gauntlett string theory Sunil Mukhi
phenomenology Georg Weiglein
Supersymmetry John March-Russell
cosmology Andrew Liddle
lattice Andreas Kronfeld
Quantum Field Theory Nima Arkani-Hamed
neutrinos Paul Harrison
e+e- linear collider Phil Burrows
2002, Glasgow, Christine Davies phenomenology Georg Weiglein
Quantum Field Theory Poul Damgaard
cosmology Andrew Liddle
supersymmetry John March-Russell
string theory Richard Szabo
LHC and GRID Tony Doyle
neutrino physics Ken Peach
quark superconductivity Mark Alford
gravitational wave detection Graham Woan
lattice gauge theory Jonathan Flynn
2001, Manchester, Jeff Forshaw string theory Richard Szabo
supersymmetry Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill
quantum field theory Paul Damgaard
cosmology Subir Sarkar
2000, Oxford, John Wheater supersymmetry Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill
1999, Southampton, Tim Morris Supersymmetry Herbi Dreiner
Quantum Field Theory Jose Latorre
Standard Model and Beyond Nigel Glover
Aspects of Experiment John Butterworth
Lattive Field Theory Harmut Wittig
Cosmology Warren Perkins
String Theory Clifford Johnson
1998, Durham, Ed Corrigan
1997, Brighton, Ed Copeland supersymmetry Jonathan Evans
cosmology Rocky Kolb
lattice field theory Simon Hands
M-theory Mike Duff
inflation Andre Linde
QCD James Stirling
lattice gauge theory Simon Hands
1996, Swansea, Grahan Shore M-theory Michael Duff
cosmology Ruth Gregory
QFT Jonathan Evans
QCD Stefano Forte
experimental QCD Michele Arneodo
Lattice Simon Hands
duality Cesar Gomez
1995, Cosener's House supersymmetry Jeffrey Harvey
1994, Liverpool Supersymmetric Field Theory DRT Jones
Lattice Field Theory
Standard Model and Extensions
Experimental Topics Val Gibson
Cosmology Ed Copeland
EM Duality David Olive
1986, Durhamn Zazrewski gauge theory Hugh Osborn
lattice A. Irving
GUT M. Daniel
supersymmetry D. Jones
strings Ed Corrigan
experimental N. McCubbin