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41st British Universities School in Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics, 21 Aug - 3rd Sep 2011

some details about the school may be found on this fact-sheet..

Accommodation, lectures and tutorials will be all be on the University Park campus of Nottingham University, maps and directions can be found here, but getting to the campus by bus from the railway station is very simple - just catch the No.4 bus from the broadmarsh bus station (type NG1 7LS into google maps to find it, it's just two minutes walk from the railway station) and get off at "University North Entrance", the one after the QMC stop. It takes about 20 minutes.

Participants should arrive on Sunday 21st August (check-in from 15:00 in Cripps Hall, dinner is at 18:30).

The first working day of the school is Monday 22nd. Sunday 28th is a free day, and the last working day is Friday 2nd September. Departure is after breakfast on Saturday 3rd Sept.

Everyone will be assigned a tutorial group . This list will also give the rooms where the tutorials will take place.

tourist information is here, for your day off.

STFC funded and self-supporting students should return their travel claim forms to:

Mrs Nina Cox
Education, Training and Careers
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue

and please direct any questions about the form to Mrs Nina Cox