Ignacio Palomo
Visiting scholar, University of Nottingham (January - April 2012)
Ignacio pursues his PhD at the Social-Ecological Systems Laboratory from the Ecology department of the Autónoma University of Madrid. He focuses in mapping Ecosystem Services Flows, from the Service Providing Units to the beneficiaries and on Scenario Planning in two protected areas at the south of Spain: Doñana and Sierra Nevada. He has achieved a grade in Environmental Sciences at the San Pablo University and a Master of Ecology at the Autónoma University in Madrid. His aim for the 3 months stay with CEM was to discuss the applications of ecosystem services cartography into the management of protected areas and their surrounding territory. The outcome of this joint collaboration is a paper submitted to the journal of Ecosystem Services.
Selected Publications
- Palomo, I., Martín-López, B., Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R. and C. Montes (2012): National Parks, buffer zones and surrounding landscape: Mapping ecosystem services flows. Ecosystem Services Journal. In Press. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2012.09.001
- Palomo I, Martin-López B, López-Agustín C, Montes C. 2011. Participatory scenario planning for protected areas management under the ecosystem services framework: The Doñana social-ecological system, SW Spain. Ecology & Society 16(1): 23
- Martin-López B, García-Llorente M, Palomo I, Montes C. 2011. Benefits and beneficiaries of ecosystem services provided by the Doñana social-ecological system (south-west, Spain): the conservation against development paradigm in Natural Protected Areas. Ecological Economics 70: 1481-1491.
- Palomo I, Martin-López B, López-Agustín C, Montes C, Arufe C, Hernández E, Rodríguez G, Segovia E. 2011. Un futuro para Doñana. WWF.
Main projects
- “Gestionando los Parques Nacionales más allá de sus límites: evaluación y cartografía de servicios como herramienta de gestión territorial ante el cambio global”. Spanish Environmental Ministry.
- “Hacia un nuevo modelo de gestión del sistema socio-ecológico de Doñana basado en los vínculos entre el bienestar humano y los servicios de sus ecosistemas”. WWF-Spain.
Contact: Ignacio.palomo@uam.es