Andrei Khlobystov
Professor of Nanomaterials, Faculty of Science
Andrei Khlobystov is Professor of Nanomaterials. He previously held a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, a RCUK Academic Fellowship and a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship in School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham. He is a recipient of the European Young Investigator Award and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Trained as a chemist (MSc Moscow State University 1997; PhD University of Nottingham 2002), Prof. Khlobystov started his post-doctoral career at the Department of Materials, Oxford University (2002-2004) where he began exploring carbon nanotubes as nanoscale containers for molecules. He applied transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for imaging structures of individual molecules and studying their dynamic behaviour in direct space and real time, which shed light on intermolecular interactions, and the translation and rotational motion of molecules at nanoscale. In 2004 he moved to the University of Nottingham as a research fellow where he built the Nottingham Nanocarbon Group. He performed a chemical reaction inside carbon nanotubes (Guinness world record for the World's Tiniest Test Tube, 2005) and demonstrated that nanoscale confinement can lead to new products inaccessible by other synthetic methods. His team discovered important mechanisms of interactions between carbon nanostructures and molecules or nanoparticles which enabled the design of nanoreactor systems with tuneable size and functionality. The nanoreactors have been applied for a range of reactions, including catalytic and electrochemical processes where molecular transformations are controlled at nanoscale. TEM remains key in Prof. Khlobystov's research, not only for the structural characterisation of individual molecules, but also as a new tool for the study and discovery of chemical reactions at nanoscale.
Expertise Summary
- nanotubes and nanoreactors;
- electron microscopy;
- chemical reactions at the single-molecule level;
- carbon nanomaterials;
- nanocatalysis.
Teaching Summary
* Solid State
* Inorganic Nonmaterials
* Molecular Nanomaterials
Research Summary
- Carbon nanomaterials;
- Nanotubes and nanoreactors;
- Imaging reactions at the single-molecule level;
- Electron microscopy;
- Nanocatalysis;
- Nanotechnology.
For more information visit website of my research group