GIOVANNI FACCHINI, TIMOTHY J. HATTON and MAX F. STEINHARDT, 2024. Opening Heaven’s door: Public Opinion and Congressional Votes on the 1965 Immigration Act Journal of Economic History. 84, 232-270
MARKUS EBERHARDT, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and VALERIA RUEDA, 2023. Gender Differences in Reference Letters: Evidence from the Economics Job Market Economic Journal. 133(655), 2676–2708 ANDREA BERNINI, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and CECILIA TESTA, 2023. Race, Representation, and Local Governments in the US South: The Effect of the Voting Rights Act Journal of Political Economy. 131, 994-1056
BERNT BRATSBERG, GIOVANNI FACCHINI, TOMMASO FRATTINI and ANNA CECILIA ROSSO, 2023. Are political and economic integration intertwined? Economica. 90, 1265-1306
BERNINI, ANDREA, FACCHINI, GIOVANNI and TESTA, CECILIA, 2022. Replication Data for: Race, Representation and Local Governments in the U.S. South: The Effect of the Voting Rights Act Harvard Dataverse. 1,
FACCHINI, GIOVANNI and RAPOPORT, HILLEL, 2022. Introduction to the special issue on immigration to OECD countries REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. 30(5), 1311-1314 GIOVANNI FACCHINI, YOTAM MARGALIT and HIROYUKI NAKATA, 2022. Countering Public Opposition to Immigration: The Impact of Information Campaigns European Economic Review. 141, 103959
FACCHINI, GIOVANNI and TESTA, CECILIA, 2021. The rhetoric of closed borders: Quotas, lax enforcement and illegal immigration JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. 129, GIOVANNI FACCHINI, PERI SILVA and GERALD WILLMANN, 2021. The political economy of preferential trading arrangements: An empirical investigation Economic Journal. 131, 3207-3240
PAOLA CONCONI, GIOVANNI FACCHINI, MAX F. STEINHARDT and M. ZANARDI, 2020. The political economy of trade and migration: Evidence from the US Congress Economics and Politics. 32, 250-278
GIANNI DE FRAJA, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and JOHN GATHERGOOD, 2019. Academic Salaries and Public Evaluation of University Research: Evidence from the UK Research Excellence Framework Economic Policy. 34, 523-583
GIOVANNI FACCHINI, MAGGIE Y. LIU, ANNA MARIA MAYDA and MINGHAI ZHOU, 2019. China's 'Great Migration': The impact of the reduction in trade policy uncertainty Journal of International Economics. 120, 126-144
VINCENT ANESI and GIOVANNI FACCHINI, 2019. Coercive trade policy American Economic Journal: Microeconomcis. 11, 225-256
COSTANZA BIAVASCHI, GIOVANNI FACCHINI, ANNA MARIA MAYDA and MARIAPIA MENDOLA, 2018. South-South migration and the labor market: Evidence from South Africa Journal of Economic Geography.
ALESSANDRA CASARICO, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and TOMMASO FRATTINI, 2018. What drives the legalization of immigrants? Evidence from IRCA Regional Science and Urban Economics.
GIOVANNI FACCHINI, ANNA MARIA MAYDA and RICCARDO PUGLISI, 2017. Illegal immigration and media exposure: Evidence on individual attitudes IZA Journal of Development and Migration. 7, 14,
GIOVANNI FACCHINI and CECILIA TESTA, 2016. Corruption and bicameral reforms Social Choice and Welfare. GIOVANNI FACCHINI, ELEONORA PATACCHINI and MAX STEINHARDT, 2015. Migration, friendship ties and cultural assimilation Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 117, 619-649 JULIAN EMAMI NAMINI, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and RICARDO A. LOPEZ, 2015. Export growth and factor market competition Canadian Journal of Economics. 48, 1456-1480 GIOVANNI FACCHINI and CECILIA TESTA, 2015. The political economy of migration enforcement: domestic versus border control CES-Ifo Economic Studies. 61, 673-700, ALESSANDRA CASARICO, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and TOMMASO FRATTINI, 2015. Illegal immigration: Policy perspectives and challenges CES-Ifo Economic Studies. 61, 673-700, GIOVANNI FACCHINI, ANNA MARIA MAYDA and PRACHI MISHRA, 2015. Lobbying expenditure on migration: A descriptive analysis CES-Ifo Economic Studies. 61, 560-604, PAOLA CONCONI, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and MAURIZIO ZANARDI, 2014. Policymakers' horizon and economic reforms Journal of International Economics. 94, 102-118, GIOVANNI FACCHINI and ELISABETTA LODIGIANI, 2014. Attracting skilled immigrants: An overview of recent policy developments in advanced countries National Institute Economic Review. 229, R3-R21, GIOVANNI FACCHINI, PERI SILVA and GERALD WILLMANN, 2013. The Customs Union issue: Why do we observe so few of them? Journal of International Economics. 90(1), 136-147 FACCHINI, GIOVANNI, MAYDA, ANNA MARIA and MENDOLA, MARIAPIA, 2013. What Drives Individual Attitudes towards Immigration in South Africa? REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. 21(2), 326-341 FACCHINI, G, NAMINI, J E and LOPEZ, R A, 2013. Export growth and firm survival Economics Letters. 120, 481-486
GEORGE DELTAS, KLAUS DESMET and GIOVANNI FACCHINI, 2012. Hub-and-spoke free trade areas: theory and evidence from Israel Canadian Journal of Economics. 45(3), 942-977 CONCONI, P., FACCHINI, G. and ZANARDI, M., 2012. Fast-track authority and international trade negotiations American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 4(3), 146-189 FACCHINI, G. and STEINHARDT, M.F., 2011. What drives U.S. immigration policy?: evidence from congressional roll call votes Journal of Public Economics. 95(7-8), 734-743 FACCHINI, G., MAYDA, A.M. and MISHRA, P., 2011. Do interest groups affect US immigration policy? Journal of International Economics. 85(1), 114-128 GIOVANNI FACCHINI, MARCELO OLARREAGA, PERI SILVA and GERALD WILLMANN, 2010. Substitutability and Protectionism: Latin America's Trade Policy and Imports from China and India World Bank Economic Review. 24(3), 446-473 FACCHINI, G. and TESTA, C., 2009. Who is against a common market? Journal of the European Economic Association. 7(5), 1068-1100 GIOVANNI FACCHINI and THIERRY VERDIER, 2009. Symposium on organization, heterogeneity and trade Economic Theory. 38(3), 433-436 FACCHINI, GIOVANNI and TESTA, CECILIA, 2008. Fiscal decentralization, regional inequality and bail-outs: Lessons from Brazil's debt crisis The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 48(2), 333-344