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Image of Pat Thomson

Pat Thomson

Professor of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences



Professor Pat Thomson PSM PhD FAcSS FRSA is known for her interdisciplinary engagement with questions of creative and socially just learning and change. Much of this work has been in collaboration with Professor Christine Hall.

She now works part time and is no longer accepting new PhDs.

Pat 's academic writing and research education blog 'patter' is archived by the British Library and posts are frequently republished elsewhere. She tweets as @ThomsonPat and has an academic writing 'patter' facebook page. Her research activities can be seen on a range of websites - , the RAPS project, the TALE project, Performing Impact, Cultural Value and Live Art, and Quality in Alternative Education. She worked collaboratively with Professor Toby Greany to investigate school leaders work during the pandemic, this led to an ESRC project looking at the sustainability of school leadership across the four UK nations.

At present, she is an Adjunct Professor at the Free State University, South Africa, and a Visiting Professor at Deakin University, Victoria. She also works part time at the University of South Australia.

Pat chaired the research group of the APPG for Art Craft and Design Education. In 2023 they published a major report on Art and design education - Art Now.

She has been 'resident ethnographer' with the Tate Schools and Teachers team with whom she has a long term partnership, she has also researched with Nottingham Contemporary and the Serpentine galleries.

Some history: Pat joined the School of Education in 2003 and completed a five year term as Director of Research during which time she coordinated the School's successful RAE submission. She also worked for five years as Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies. Before coming to The University of Nottingham, she directed the professional doctorate in education and an offshore PhD programme at the University of South Australia. She was Deputy Director of the Centre for Studies in Literacy, Policy and Learning Cultures. She previously managed strategic planning in the state education department. Before that, she was principal of Paralowie R- 12 for eleven years, deputy principal at The Parks, and founding Coordinator of Bowden Brompton Community School. She has represented Australian principals on national policy making bodies and at international conferences, and was President of the South Australian Secondary Principals Association. She was a member of national and state policy making bodies and has extensive experience in equity policy development. She was awarded a Public Service Medal in 1991, a Fulbright Scholarship in 1992, the Garth Boomer Curriculum prize from the Australian Curriculum Studies Association in 1995, and the Australian Association for Research in Education Outstanding Thesis award in 2000.

Other scholarly service: Pat is on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Educational Administration and History, Teaching Education, Education Review, the Journal of Education Policy, International Journal of Leadership in Education, International Journal of Research and Methods in Education, the Australian Educational Researcher, Ethnography and Education, Improving Schools and the Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations.

She reviews regularly for the Australian Research Council and other research funding bodies.

Teaching Summary

I offer various academic writing courses to PhDers at Nottingham and in universities around the world

Research Summary

Her current research focuses on creativity, the arts and change in schools and communities, and postgraduate writing pedagogies. She maintains an interest in the changing work of school… read more

Selected Publications

  • THOMSON, PAT, 2020. School scandals: Blowing the whistle on the corruption of our education system Policy Press.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2023. Refining your academic writing: Strategies for reading, revising and rewriting Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL, CHRISTINE, 2023. Schools and Cultural Citizenship: Arts education for life Routledge.
  • HEFFERNAN, AMANDA, THOMSON, PAT and BLACKMORE, JILL, eds., 2024. Resistance in educational leadership, management and administration Routledge.

Pat is a member of the Centre for Research in Arts, Creativity and Literacy. Her research interests are underpinned by a commitment to social justice and an interest in questions of power, identity, place and agency. Current research focuses on:

  • the changing work of school administrators
  • postgraduate writing pedagogies and creativity
  • the arts
  • school reform

She has had extensive involvement in school, family and community programmes and is keen to work closely with practitioners and pupils as co-researchers. She has expertise in:

  • policy
  • sociology
  • cultural geography
  • text-based and arts informed research methods

Research proposals: please email Pat if you would like to discuss the appropriateness of your research topic. See also: School of Education research supervision areas.

Current Research

Her current research focuses on creativity, the arts and change in schools and communities, and postgraduate writing pedagogies. She maintains an interest in the changing work of school administrators and in children and young people who do not get the full benefits of education. All of her research is underpinned by a commitment to social justice and an interest in questions of power, identity, place and agency. She has had extensive involvement in school, family and community programmes and works closely with practitioners and pupils as co-researchers. She has expertise in policy, sociology and cultural geography and has a particular interest in text-based and arts informed research methods. She frequently uses visual research methods in her work.

Current research

Researching Arts in Primary Schools - the RAPS project - funded by the Freelands Foundation. There are two components - a survey of arts and creativity teaching in initial primary teacher education,and a case control study of twenty arts rich primary schools. With Prof Christine Hall, Dr Zhe Liang, and Dr Liam Maloy.

School leaders wellbeing and career plans. Currently doing a national survey with NAHT and ASCL. With Prof Toby Greany and Dr Nick Martindale. Funding from ESRC IAA fund.

Rapid Evidence Review of Art Craft and Design learning benefits, funded by U Nottingham Policy Impact, in partnerhship with the APPG on Art Craft and Design (reporting end 2021)

ESRC collaborative doctoral programme: Investigating learning in Nottingham Contemporary education programmes, with Nottingham Contemporary. Doctoral researcher: Cassie Kill

AHRC collaborative doctoral programme with TATE: How can gallery education support the development of art-rich schools. Doctoral researcher: Maddy Gilliam

ESRC collaborative doctoral programme: Childhood in the camps with Deborah Youdell, University of Birmingham and Ash Perrin, Flying Seagull Project. Doctoral researchers: Bobby Beaumont

Recently completed research projects:

Arts Council England: Royal Shakespeare Company Education and Tate Schools and Teachers, Tracking arts learning and engagement ( TALE) With Christine Hall. £296,985.

Tate Learning: Circuit Longitudinal Study of young people. With Becky Coles. £60,000

Serpentine Gallery evaluation of the World Without Walls programme, with Anton Franks Tate Schools and Teachers team: Summer schools 2012 -2015; and In Site of Learning, a co-constructed research pilot project.

Popup Evaluation of teacher writer programme. With Jenny Elliott and Chris Hall. £13000

DfE Rapid Evidence Review of Alternative Provision, with IFF and Martin Mills, UCL.

Past Research

Recently Completed Research Projects:

AHRC collaborative doctoral programme: Partnerships to involve hard to reach young people in the Circuit youth arts programme. With Emily Pringle, Tate Learning. Doctoral researcher: Nicola Sims.

Tate Circuit Scoping a longitudinal study, with Rebecca Coles

New Art Exchange: Bubble arts partnership, with Rebecca Coles

The Princes Trust: What's the alternative? Effective support for young people disengaging from the mainstream. With Jodie Pennachia

AHRC Cultural value programme. The value of live art: What can making and editing film tell us? with Emily Pringle, Tate Learning

AHRC cultural value programme: Cultural value in the CCE archive. (with additional funding from CCE)

Culture, Creativity and Education Signature pedagogies: ethnographic studies of artists at work ( with Chris Hall), see

Get Wet: the Papplewick water literacies project with Mary Biddulph, Natasa Lackovic, Gary Mills and Andy Townsend, local schools and Nottingham artists. ( Esmee Fairbairn, Garfield Weston Trust), see

AHRC Connected Communities Scoping Study Performing Impact: narratives, texts and performances in community theatre, with Christine Hall, Julie Sanders and Jem Bloomfield ( School of English)

Culture, Creativity and Education: Evaluation of knowledge transfer in the Royal Shakespeare Company Leading Practitioner Network ( with Chris Hall, Ken Jones, Anton Franks)

Pupil mobility in the county ( with Kay Hawe)

Leading school case studies (CCE)

NCSL Models of change leadership ( with Chris Day)

Arts Council UK/Creative Partnerships (2006-2008) The impact of Creative Partnerships on whole school change, with Christine Hall, and Ken Jones and Nafsika Alexiadou (Keele)

Nottinghamshire Arts Partnership (2008-2009) Evaluation of Nottinghamshire Arts Partnership, with Christine Hall and Edd Sellman

Pupil research project with Helen Gunter (U Manchester) and Knutsford High School

Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2005-2006) Mapping the provision of alternatives to permanent exclusion with Belinda Harris and Lisa Russell

ESRC Seminar series RES-451-26-0165 (2004-2006) Engaging critically with pupil voice: children and young people as partners in school and community change, with Bridget Somekh, (MMU), Michael Fielding, (Sussex) and Jane MacGregor, (Networked Learning Communities)

ESRC RES-000-22-0834 (2004-2006) Promoting social and education inclusion through the creative arts, with Chris Hall and Lisa Russell (Nottingham)

Australian Research Council (2002-March 2005) An investigation of the declining supply of principals in Australia, with Jill Blackmore (Deakin) and Judyth Sachs (Sydney)

BECTA bursary. (2004) Enhancing a networked learning community with ICT, with Liz Brown and PSLN schools The full report is available on

Children's Fund: A formative evaluation of the Mansfield Alternatives to Exclusion (MATE) strategy (2005), Pat Thomson, Belinda Harris, Kerry Vincent Richard Toalster, (CREDE, University of Nottingham)

DfES Innnovations ( 2004) Evaluation of innovations in Knutsford High School with Helen Gunter ( U Manchester)

DfES (2003-2004) An investigation of queries that school offices receive from parents/carers, with Linda Ellison, Tina Byrom and Donna Bulman (Nottingham) The final report is available on

McWilliam, E; Taylor, P; Thomson, P; Green, W; Maxwell, T Wildy, H; Simons, D (2002) Research training in doctoral programs: what can be learnt from professional doctorates? Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs The final report is available from

Sanderson V and Thomson, P ( 2002) Discipline and diversity: The impact of punishment on the learning of Aboriginal students. ARC funded research: Final Report .

Thomson, P (2002) Active citizenship action research projects. Final report. Canberra: Civics and Citizenship Education Professional Development Programme

Thomson, P ( 2002) Strengthening school-family relationships. Policy and professional development materials. Hobart: Tasmanian Education Department.

  • HEFFERNAN, AMANDA, THOMSON, PAT and BLACKMORE, JILL, eds., 2024. Resistance in educational leadership, management and administration Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, HEFFERNAN, AMANDA and BLACKMORE, JILL, 2024. Leaders resisting? The very idea. In: HEFFERNAN, AMANDA, THOMSON, PAT and BLACKMORE, JILL, eds., Resistance in educational leadership, management and administration Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, MALOY, LIAM and HALL. CHRISTINE, 2024. “The way I know is by looking back”: English primary school children’s views of making progress in arts subjects Education 3-13. 52(1),
  • THOMSON, PAT and GREANY, TOBY, 2024. The best of times, the worst of times: Continuities in school leaders’ work in uncertain times Educational Management Administration & Leadership.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2024. Why bother with the arts in schools? Australian Educational Researcher. (In Press.)
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2023. Five fleeting snapshots. In: CURTIS, SAM, ed., Which way now?: Making meanings through child-led walks and photography Serpentine Galleries.
  • HEFFERNAN, AMANDA and THOMSON, PAT, 2023. Punk ideals, school leaders and fashioning an “authentic” self Research in Education. 115(1), 80-99
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2023. Refining your academic writing: Strategies for reading, revising and rewriting Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL, CHRISTINE, 2023. Schools and Cultural Citizenship: Arts education for life Routledge.
  • MALOY, LIAM and THOMSON, PAT, 2023. Research subjects, participants or co-researchers?: Extending the involvement of students in art and design research International Journal of Art and Design Education.
  • BLACKMORE, JILLIAN and THOMSON, PAT, 2023. Getting a word in edge-wise. Adventures in academic publishing. In: FITZGERALD, TANYA and COURTNEY. STEVE, eds., Critical education policy and leadership studies.: The intellectual contributions of Helen M Gunter Springer. 127-142
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2022. A reflection/reflexion on student participation and system change. In: BRASOF, MARC and LEVINE, JOSEPH, eds., The Student Voice Research Methods Handbook Teachers College Press.
  • MILLS, MARTIN and THOMSON, PAT, 2022. English schooling and little e and big E exclusion: What’s equity got to do with it? Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 27(2), 185-198
  • THOMSON, PAT, GREANY, TOBY, COUSINS, SUSAN and MARTINDALE, NICK, 2022. Vox Poetica: Bringing an arts-based research method to school leaders’ lockdown experiences Journal of Educational Administration and History.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL, CHRISTINE, 2022. Cultural capitals matter, differentially: A Bourdieusian reading of perspectives from senior secondary students in England British Journal of Sociology of Education.
  • EARL, LEXI and THOMSON, PAT, 2021. Why garden in schools? Routledge.
  • HALL, CHRISTINE and THOMSON, PAT, 2021. Making the most of arts education partnerships in schools Curriculum Perspectives. 41(1), 101-106
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2021. Back to the future? Recuperating educational administration. In: NETOLICKY, DEBORAH, ed., Future alternatives for educational leadership.: Diversity, inclusion, equity and democracy Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL. CHRISTINE, 2021. "You just feel more relaxed": An investigation of Art room atmosphere International Journal of Art and Design Education. 40(3), 599-614
  • THOMSON, PAT, GREANY, TOBY and MARTINDALE, NICK, 2021. The trust deficit in English schools: emerging research evidence about school leaders and the pandemic Journal of Educational Administration and History. 53(3-4), 296-300
  • THOMSON, PAT and MALOY, LIAM, 2021. The benefits of Art Craft and Design education NSEAD.
  • THOMSON, PAT and PRINGLE, EMILY, 2020. Dancing past categories: researching a live art project with participants. In: NIELSEN, CHARLOTTE SVENDLER and BURRIDGE, STEPHANIE, eds., Dancing Across Borders: Perspectives on Dance Education, Young people and Change Palgrave Macmillan.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL, CHRISTINE, 2020. Beyond civics: Art and Design education and the making of active/activist citizens. In: BURGESS, LESLEY and ADDISON, NICK, eds., Debates in Art & Design Education Routledge.
  • HEFFERNAN, AMANDA and THOMSON, PAT, 2020. Manufacturing the Woman Leader: How Can Wardrobes Help Us to Understand Leadership Identities?. In: NIESCHE, RICHARD and HEFFERNAN, AMANDA, eds., Subjectivity and identity in educational leadership Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HEFFERNAN, AMANDA, 2020. Theory. In: COURTNEY, STEVE, GUNTER, HELEN, NIESCHE, RICHARD and TRUJILLO, TINA, eds., Understanding educational leadership: Critical perspectives and approaches Bloomsbury.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2020. Doctoral degree. In: AMEY, MARILYN and DAVID, MIRIAM, eds., The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education Sage.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2020. School scandals: Blowing the whistle on the corruption of our education system Policy Press.
  • BAROUTSIS, ASPA, RIDDLE, STEWART and THOMSON, PAT, eds., 2019. Education Research and the Media: Challenges and Possibilities Routledge.
  • SNEPVANGERS, KIM, THOMSON, PAT and HARRIS, ANNE, eds., 2019. Creative policy, partnership and practice in education Palgrave McMillan.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL, CHRISTINE, 2019. Countering dull pedagogies: the power of teachers and artists working together. In: TETT. LYN and HAMILTON, MARY, eds., Resisting the neo-liberal discourse in education: Local, national and transnational perspectives Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, THORPE, ANNIE and DONAGH, HOLLY, 2019. Arts for multicultural diversity: A case study from England. In: FERRO, LIGIA and WAGNER, ERNST, eds., European Network of Arts Observatories Yearbook 2018 Springer.
  • THOMSON, PAT, HALL, CHRISTINE, EARL, LEXI and GEPPERT, CORINNA, 2019. Towards an arts education for cultural citizenship. In: RIDDLE, STEWART and APPLE, MICHAEL, eds., Reimagining education for democracy Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, HALL, CHRISTINE, EARL, LEXI and GEPPERT, CORINNA, 2019. Subject Choice As Everyday Accommodation /Resistance: Why Students In England (Still) Choose The Arts Critical Studies in Education. 61(5), 545-560
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2019. Thinking about the school most of the time: studio as generative metaphor for critical reflection Journal of Educational Administration and History. 51(2), 87-102
  • THOMSON, PAT, HALL, CHRISTINE, EARL, LEXI and GEPPERT. CORINNA, 2019. The pedagogical logics of arts rich schools: a Bourdieusian analysis British Journal of Sociology of Education. 40(2), 239-253
  • FRANKS, ANTON and THOMSON, PAT, 2019. Changing play: writing, researching and learning in an early years arts project Ethnography and Education. 15(2), 222-237
  • THOMSON, PAT, RIDDLE, STEWART and THOMSON, PAT, 2019. Who speaks for teachers? Social media and teacher voice. In: BAROUTSIS, ASPA and RIDDLE, STEWART, eds., Education research and the media.: Challenges and possibilities Routledge. 119-134
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2018. A long goodbye to the 'good girl': An auto ethnographic account. In: TAYLOR, YVETTE and LAHAD, KINNERET, eds., Feeling academic in the neoliberal university: Feminist flights, fights and failures Palgrave Macmillan.
  • PENNACCHIA, JODIE and THOMSON, PAT, 2018. Alternative Provision in England: problematising ‘quality’ and ‘vulnerability’. In: MILLS, MARTIN, MCGREGOR, GLENDA and MCCLUSKEY, GILLEAN, eds., International perspectives on alternative education: Policy and practice IOE Press.
  • WHITEOAK, DAPHNE and THOMSON, PAT, 2018. Negotiating meaning in multiple communities of practice: reconciliation and dis-identification in the identity work of headteachers leaving Anglican primary schools. In: COURTNEY. STEVE, MCGINITY, RUTH and GUNTER, HELEN, eds., Educational leadership: Theorising professional practice in neoliberal times Routledge.
  • MCGREGOR, GLENDA, MILLS, MARTIN, THOMSON, PAT and PENNACCHIA, JODIE, eds., 2018. Alternative Programmes, Schools, and Social Justice Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2018. Oh to be in England? The production of an un-public state system.. In: WILKINSON, JANE, NIESCHE, RICHARD and EACOTT, SCOTT, eds., Dismantling public education: Implications for educational leadership, policy and social justice Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, MCKELVIE, AMY and TURVEY, LEANNE, 2018. Learning the art museum: experiments in talking/writing ethnography. In: FERRO, LIGIA and POVEDA, DAVID, eds., Learning, arts and ethnography in a contemporary world Tufnell Press.
  • THOMSON, PAT, COLES, REBECCA and HALLEWELL, MADELINE, 2018. What did Creative Partnerships achieve? A review of the CP research archive. In: HARRIS, ANNE, SNEPVANGERS, KIM and THOMSON, PAT, eds., Creative policy, partnership and practice in education Palgrave Macmillan.
  • MEWBURN, INGER and THOMSON, PAT, 2018. Online thesis-writing resources. In: CARTER, SUSAN and LAURS, DEBRA, eds., Developing research writing: A handbook for supervisors and students Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2018. Troubling writing as 'representation'. In: JEFFREY, B and RUSSELL, L, eds., Writing for ethnography Tufnell Press.
  • IFF RESEARCH LTD and MILLS, MARTIN, 2018. Investigative research into alternative provision Department for Education. (978-1-78105-951-7)
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Educational leadership and Pierre Bourdieu Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL, CHRISTINE, 2017. Place based methods for researching schools Bloomsbury.
  • HALL, CHRISTINE and THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Inspiring school change: Transforming schools through the creative arts Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Writing about research. In: WYSE, DOMINIC, SMITH, EMMA, SUTER, LARRY and WELWYN, NEIL, eds., The BERA SAGE Handbook of Educational Research SAGE.
  • MEWBURN, INGER and THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Social media and academic publishing. In: WYSE, DOMINIC, SMITH, EMMA, SUTER, LARRY and SELWYN, NEIL, eds., THE BERA SAGE Handbook of Educational Research
  • NIESCHE, RICHARD and THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Freedom to what ends? School autonomy in neoliberal times. In: BOGOTCH, IRA and WAITE, DUNCAN, eds., The International Handbook of Educational Leadership Wiley-Blackwell.
  • LUPTON, DEBORAH, MEWBURN, INGER and THOMSON, PAT, eds., 2017. The Digital Academic Routledge.
  • MEWBURN, INGER and THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Towards an academic self? Blogging during the doctorate. In: LUPTON, DEBORAH, MEWBURN, INGER and THOMSON, PAT, eds., The Digital Academic Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Nine notes on a pedagogy of not knowing. In: TURVEY, LEANNE, WALTON, ALICE and DALY, EILEEN, eds., In site of conversation: On learning with art, audiences and artists Tate. 25-34
  • HAYES, DEBORAH, HATTAM, ROB, COMBER, BARBARA, KERKHAM, LYN, LUPTON, RUTH and THOMSON, PAT, 2017. Literacy, leading and learning: beyond pedagogies of poverty Routledge.
  • KAMLER, BARBARA and THOMSON, PAT, 2016. Detox your writing: Strategies for doctoral researchers Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, HALL, CHRISTINE and TOWNSEND, ANDREW, 2016. Using film to show and tell: studying/changing pedagogical practices. In: MOSS, JULIANNE and PINI, MONICA, eds., Visual Research Methods in Educational Research: a critical review of the practice and politics of contemporary methods. Palgrave McMillan.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2016. Artist 'voice' in inter-cultural contexts and practices. In: BURNARD, PAM, MACKINLEY, LIZ and POWELL, KIMBERLEY, eds., The Routledge International Handbook of Inter-Cultural Arts Research Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2016. Writing for social media. In: SUGRUE, CIARAN and MERTKAN, SEFIKA, eds., Academic life and the publishing landscape: Change, continuity and challenge Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT and PENNACCHIA, JODIE, 2016. Hugs and behaviour points: Alternative education and the regulation of risky youth International Journal of Inclusive Education. 20(6), 622-640
  • THOMSON, PAT and PENNACCHIA, JODIE, 2016. Disciplinary regimes of 'care" and complementary alternative education Critical Studies in Education. 57(1), 84-99
  • HALL, CHRISTINE and THOMSON, PAT, 2016. Creativity in teaching: what can teachers learn from artists? Research Papers in Education. 32(1), 106-120
  • MEWBURN, INGER and THOMSON, PAT, 2016. Writing with online support. In: CARTER, SUSAN and LAURS, DEBORAH, eds., Developing Research Writing: A Handbook for Supervisors Routledge. (In Press.)
  • MCINTYRE, JOANNA and THOMSON, PAT, 2015. Poverty, schooling and beginning teachers who make a difference: A case study from England. In: LAMPERT, JO and BURNETT, BRUCE, eds., The international handbook of social justice in teacher education Springer.
  • TOWNSEND, ANDREW and THOMSON, PAT, 2015. Bringing installation art to reconnaissance to share values and generate action Educational Action Research. 23(1), 36-50
  • COLES, REBECCA and THOMSON, PAT, 2015. Beyond records and representations: in-between writing in educational ethnography Ethnography and Education. 11(3), 253-266
  • HEARN, HELEN and THOMSON, PAT, 2014. Working with texts, images and artefacts. In: CLARK, ALISON, FLEWITT, ROSIE, HAMMERSLEY, MARTYN and ROBB, MARTIN, eds., Understanding research with children and young people 2nd. 154-168
  • THOMSON, P, 2014. The uses and abuses of power: teaching school leadership through children's literature Journal of Educational Administration and History. 46(4), 1-20
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2014. 'Scaling up' educational change: Some musings on misrecognition and doxic challenges Critical Studies in Education. 55(2), 87-103
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2014. The photograph as 'witness'. In: BURKE, CATHERINE and JONES, KEN, eds., Education, childhood, anarchism: Talking Colin Ward Routledge. 157-169
  • KAMLER, BARBARA and THOMSON, PAT, 2014. Helping doctoral students write: Pedagogies for supervision Second Edition. Routledge.
  • THOMSON, PAT, BARRETT, ANDY, HALL, CHRISTINE, HANBY, JULIAN and JONES, SUSAN, 2014. Arts in the community as a place-making event. In: FLEMING, MIKE, BRESLER, LIORA and O'TOOLE, JOHN, eds., The Routledge international handbook of arts and education Routledge.
  • FRANKS, A, HALL, C, JONES, K and THOMSON, P, 2014. Teachers, arts practice and pedagogy Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education. 21(2), 171-181
  • THOMSON, PAT and HALL, CHRISTINE, 2014. The signature pedagogies of creative practitioners. In: WESTPHAL, KRISTIN, STADLER-ALTMANN, ULRIKE, SCHITTLER, SUSANNE and LOHFIELD, WIEBKE, eds., Raume Kultureller Bildung Beltz Juventa. 76-91
  • COMBER, BARBARA, THOMSON, PAT and WELLS, MARG, 2014. Critical literacy finds a 'place': Writing and social action in a low-income Australian Grade 2/3 classroom. In: Critical literacies and young learners: Connecting classroom practice to the common core Routledge. 147-158
  • THOMSON, P AND KAMLER, B, 2013. Writing for peer reviewed journals: Strategies for getting published Routledge.
  • ANDERSON, G, MINGAL, A, PINI, M, SCOTT, J and THOMSON, P, 2013. Policy, equity and diversity in global contexts:educational leadership after the welfare state. In: TILLMAN, L and SCHEURICH, J J, eds., The handbook of research on educational leadership for equity and diversity Routledge. 43-61
  • JONES, S., HALL, C., THOMSON, P., BARRETT, A. and HANBY, J., 2013. Re-presenting the “forgotten estate”: participatory theatre, place and community identity Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 34(1), 118-131
  • THOMSON, PAT, HALL, CHRISTINE and JONES, KEN, 2013. Towards educational change leadership as a discursive practice –: or - should all school leaders read Foucault? International Journal of Leadership in Education. 16(2), 155-172
  • THOMSON, P., 2013. Romancing the market: narrativising equity in globalising times Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education. 34(2), 170-184
  • VINCENT, KERRY and THOMSON, PAT, 2013. "Your age don't determine whether you're a good mum": reframing the discourse of deviance ascribed to teenage mothers Social Alternatives. 32(2), 6-11
  • THOMSON, PAT and HAYWARD, VANESSA, 2013. Managing performance: The implementation of the English Healthy Schools Programme. In: NIESCHE, RICHARD, ed., Deconstructing educational leadership: Derrida and beyond Routledge. 63-83
  • THOMSON, PAT and CLIFTON, JOANNE, 2013. Connecting with parents and their community in an urban primary school: Creative Partnerships to build literacy/ies. In: HALL, KATHY, CREMIN, TERESA, COMBER, BARBARA and MOLL, LUIS, eds., international handbook of research on children's literacy, learning and culture Wiley-Blackwell. 54-66
  • MEWBURN, INGER and THOMSON, PAT, 2013. Why do academics blog?: An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges Studies in Higher Education. 38(8), 1105-1119
  • HAYWARD, V AND THOMSON, P, 2012. Performing health: an investigation of Emotional Health and Wellbeing (EHWB) in a high performance school. In: JEFFREY, B AND TROMAN, G, ed., Performativity and Education – a UK perspective: Ethnographic effects, outcomes and agency Tufnell Press. 109-126
  • THOMSON, PAT, 2012. Understanding evaluating and assessing what students learn from leadership activities: Student research in Woodlea Primary Management in Education. 26(3), 96-103
  • THOMSON, PAT, HALL, CHRISTINE and JONES, KEN, 2012. Creativity and cross-curriculum strategies in England: Tales of doing, forgetting and not knowing International Journal of Educational Research. 55, 6-15
  • THOMSON, P and LINGARD, B, WRIGLEY, T, 2011. Reimagining school change: the necessity and reasons for hope. In: WRIGLEY, T and THOMSON, P , LINGARD, B, eds., Changing schools.: Alternative ways to make a world of difference Routledge. 1-14
  • THOMSON, P., 2011. Creative leadership: a new category or more of the same? Journal of Educational Administration and History. 43(3), 249-272
  • THOMSON, P AND SANDERS, E, 2011. Introduction. In: SANDERS, E, ed., Leading a creative school.: Initiating and sustaining school change Routledge. 1-16
  • WRIGLEY, T, THOMSON, P AND LINGARD, B, 2011. Resources for changing schools: Ideas in and as practice. In: WRIGLEY, T, THOMSON, P and AND LINGARD, B, eds., Changing schools: Alternative ways to make a world of difference Routledge. 194-214
  • WRIGLEY, T, THOMSON, P and LINGARD, B, eds., 2011. Changing schools: Alternative ways to make a world of difference Routledge.
  • THOMSON, P, 2011. Miners. diggers, ferals and showmen: creative school-community projects. In: SEFTON-GREEN, J, THOMSON, P, JONES, K and BRESLER, L, eds., The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Learning Routledge. 295-304
  • THOMSON, P. and GUNTER, H., 2011. Inside, outside, upside down: the fluidity of academic researcher ‘identity’ in working with/in school International Journal of Research and Methods in Education. 34(1), 17-30
  • THOMSON, P, 2011. ‘The local’ and its authority: the Coalition, governance and democracy. In: HATCHER, R and JONES, K, eds., No country for the young: Education from New Labour to the Coalition Tufnell Press. 85-99
  • MCGREGOR, G, MILLS, M and THOMSON, P, 2011. Educating in the margins: lessons for the mainstream: Australia. In: WRIGLEY, T, THOMSON, P and LINGARD, B, eds., Changing schools: Alternative ways to make a world of difference Routledge. 47-60
  • SEFTON GREEN, J, THOMSON, P, JONES, K and BRESLER, L, eds., 2011. The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Learning Routledge.
  • RUSSELL, L and THOMSON, P, 2011. Girls in alternative provision Ethnography and Education. 6(3), 293-308
  • THOMSON, P and HALL, C, 2011. Sense -making as a lens on everyday change leadership practice: The case of Holly Tree Primary school International Journal of Leadership in Education. 1-19
  • KAMLER, B and THOMSON, P, 2011. Working with literatures. In: SOMEKH, B and LEWIN, K, eds., Research methods in the social sciences 2nd ed. Sage. 16-24
  • THOMSON P, ROSE, L, 2011. Creative learning in an inner-city primary school: England. In: WRIGLEY, T, THOMSON, P and LINGARD, T, eds., Changing schools: Alternative ways to make a world of difference Routledge. 128-139
  • THOMSON, P, 2011. Coming to terms with 'voice'. In: CZERNIAWSKI, G and KIDD, W, eds., The International handbook of student voice Emerald. 19-30
  • THOMSON, P., HALL, C. and JONES, K., 2010. Maggie's day: a small-scale analysis of English education policy Journal of Education Policy. 25(5), 639-656
  • THOMSON, P and SEFTON-GREEN, J, eds., 2010. Researching creative learning: Methods and issues Routledge.
  • THOMSON, P, 2010. Involving children and young people in educational change: Possibilities and challenges. In: HARGREAVES, A, HOPKINS, D and LIEBERMAN, A, eds., The International Handbook of Educational Change 2nd ed. Springer. 809-824
  • THOMSON, P and SANDERS, E, 2010. Creativity and whole school change: an investigation of English headteachers' practices Journal of Educational Change. 11(1), 63-83
  • THOMSON, P and WALKER, M, 2010. Doctoral education in context. The changing nature of the doctorate and doctoral students. In: THOMSON, P AND WALKER, M, ed., The Routledge Doctoral Student's Companion: getting to grips with research in Education and the Social Sciences Routledge. 9-26
  • VINCENT, K and THOMSON, P, 2010. 'Slappers like you don't belong in this school: the educational inclusion/exclusion of pregnant school girls International Journal of Inclusive Education. 14(4), 371-385
  • HALL, C, JONES, K , THOMSON, P, 2010. Snapshots, illustrations and portraits: re-presenting research findings.. In: THOMSON, P, SEFTON-GREEN, J, ed., Researching Creative Learning: Methods and issues Routledge. 126-142
  • THOMSON, P and WALKER, M, 2010. Last words: Why doctoral study?. In: THOMSON, P AND WALKER, M, ed., The Routledge Doctoral Student's Companion: getting to grips with research in Education and the Social Sciences Routledge. 390-403
  • THOMSON, P, 2010. Whole school change: a literature review 2nd ed.. Creativity, Culture and Education.
  • GUNTER, H and THOMSON, P, 2010. Life on Mars: headteachers before the National College Journal of Educational Administration and History. 42(3), 203-222
  • WALKER, M and THOMSON, P, eds., 2010. The Routledge Doctoral Supervisor’s Companion: Supporting Effective Research in Education and the Social Sciences Routledge.
  • THOMSON, P and KAMLER, B, 2010. It's been said before and we'll say it again - research is writing. In: THOMSON, P AND WALKER, M, ed., The Routledge Doctoral Student's Companion: getting to grips with research in Education and the Social Sciences Routledge. 149-160
  • THOMSON, P and WALKER, M, eds., 2010. The Routledge Doctoral Student’s Companion: Getting to Grips with Research in Education and the Social Sciences. Routledge.
  • THOMSON, P, 2010. Leading/Managing Schools in Communities Made Poor. In: EVA BAKER, PENELOPE PETERSON,BARRY MCGAW,, ed., The International Encyclopedia of Education 3rd edition. Elsevier.
  • THOMSON P, BYROM, T, ROBINSON, C and RUSSELL, L, 2010. Learning about journal publication: the pedagogies of editing a ‘special issue’.. In: AITCHISON, C, KAMLER, B and LEE, A, eds., Publishing pedagogies for the doctorate and beyond Routledge. 137-155
  • THOMSON, P., 2010. Headteacher autonomy: a sketch of a Bourdieuian field analysis of position and practice Critical Studies in Education. 51(1), 5-20
  • THOMSON, P., 2009. School leadership: heads on the block? Routledge.
  • BASKWILL, J. and THOMSON, P.L., 2009. Jane and Pat think and do: A basal reader story. In: KNOWLES, J.G., COLE, A.L., NEILSEN, L. and PROMISLOW, S., eds., Creating scholartistry: imagining the arts-informed thesis or dissertation Halifax, Nova Scotia: Backalong Books. 70 -83
  • THOMSON, P, 2009. A critical pedagogy of global place - regeneration in and as action. In: RAFFO, C, DYSON, A, GUNTER, H, HALL, D, JONES, L and KALAMBOUKA, A, eds., Education and poverty in affuent countries Routledge. (In Press.)
  • THOMSON, P, 2009. Bringing Bourdieu to ‘widening participation’ policies in higher education: a UK case analysis.. In: APPLE, M, BALL, S and GANDIN, L A, eds., Routledge International Handbook of Sociology and Education Routledge. 318-328
  • THOMSON, P, MCGREGOR, J, SANDERS, E and ALEXIADOU, N, 2009. Changing schools: more than a lick of paint and a well-orchestrated performance? Improving Schools. 12(1), 43-57
  • THOMSON, P and GUNTER, H, 2009. Students' participation in school change: action research on the ground. In: SOMEKH, B AND NOFFKE, S, ed., The Handbook of Educational Action Research Sage.
  • THOMSON, P, 2009. Lessons for Australia?: Learning from England's curriculum 'black box' English in Australia. 43(3), 13-20
  • BAILEY, S and THOMSON, P, 2009. Routine (dis)order in an infant school Ethnography and Education. 4(2), 211-228
  • THOMSON, P and RUSSELL, L, 2009. Data. data everywhere - but not all the numbers that count?: Mapping alternative provisions for students excluded from school International Journal of Inclusive Education. 13(4), 423-438
  • GUNTER, H and THOMSON, P, 2009. The makeover: a new logic in leadership development in England? Education Review. 61(4), 469-483
  • THOMSON, P and GUNTER, H, 2008. Researching bullying with students: A lens on everyday life in an innovative school International Journal of Inclusive Education. 12(2), 185-200
  • HARRIS, A and THOMSON, P, 2008. Leading schools in poor communities?: What do we know?. In: TOWNSEND, T and BOGOTCH, I, eds., The Elusive What and the Problematic How: The essential leadership questions for school leaders and educational researchers Rotterdam: Sense. 73-84
  • THOMSON, P, 2008. Schools and urban regeneration. Challenges and possibilities. In: LINGARD, B, NIXON, J and RANSON, S, eds., Transforming learning in schools and communities. The remaking of education for a cosmopolitan society Continuum.
  • HARRIS A and THOMSON P, 2008. Leading schools in poor communities: How do we know?. In: TOWNSEND, T and BOGOTCH I, eds., The Elusive What and the Problematic How: The Essential Leadership Questions for School Leaders and Educational Researchers, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 165-180
  • THOMSON, P, 2008. Field. In: GRENFELL, M, ed., Pierre Bourdieu: Key concepts Acumen.; Stocksfield.
  • JONES, K and THOMSON, P, 2008. Policy rhetoric and the renovation of English schooling: the case of Creative Partnerships Journal of Education Policy. 23(6), 715-727
  • GUNTER, H, THOMSON, P, 2008. Learning about student voice Support for Learning. 22(4), 181-188
  • THOMSON, P, 2008. Children and young people: voices in visual research. In: THOMSON, P, ed., Doing visual research with children and young people Routledge. 1-19
  • THOMSON, P, 2008. Scales of policy intervention: Problematising high poverty contexts in South Australia Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. 10(2), 97-116
  • THOMSON, P. and HALL, C., 2008. Opportunities missed and/or thwarted?: 'Funds of knowledge' meet the English national curriculum Curriculum Journal. 19(2), 87-103
  • MERTKAN-OZUNLU, S and THOMSON, P, 2008. Educational reform in North Cyprus: towards the making of a nation/state? International Journal of Educational Development. 29, 99-106
  • THOMSON, P, 2008. Answering back to policy?: Headteachers’ stress and the logic of the sympathetic interview Journal of Education Policy. 23(6), 649-667
  • THOMSON, P, 2008. Headteacher critique and resistance: A challenge for policy and for leadership/management scholars Journal of Educational Administration and History. 40(2), 85-100
  • THOMSON, P, ed., 2008. Doing visual research with children and young people London: Routledge.
  • KAMLER, B and THOMSON, P, 2008. The failure of dissertation advice books: Toward alternative pedagogies for doctoral writing Educational Researcher. 37(8), 507-514
  • THOMSON, P. and HALL, C. J., 2008. Dialogues with artists; learning about childen's self portraits. In: THOMSON, P, ed., Doing visual research with children and young people Routledge.
  • HALL, C.J. and THOMSON, P.L., 2007. Creative partnerships?: cultural policy and inclusive arts practice in one primary school British Educational Research Journal. 33(3), 315-329
  • HALL, C., THOMSON, P. and RUSSELL, L., 2007. Teaching like an artist: the pedagogic identities and practices of artists in schools British Journal of Sociology of Education. 28(5), 605-619
  • THOMSON, P and HALL, C AND RUSSELL, L, 2007. If these walls could speak: reading displays of primary children’s work Ethnography and Education. 2(3), 381-400
  • BYROM, R., THOMSON, P. and GATES, P., 2007. My school has been quite pushy about the Oxbridge thing Improving Schools. 10(1), 29-40
  • VINCENT, K, HARRIS, B, THOMSON, P and TOALSTER, R., 2007. Managed moves: schools collaborating for collective gain Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 12(4), 283-298
  • THOMSON, P.L., ELLISON, L., BYROM, T. and BULMAN, D., 2007. Invisible labour: home-school relations and the front office Gender and Education. 19(2), 141-158
  • THOMSON P and GUNTER, H, 2007. The methodology of students-as-researchers: valuing and using experience and expertise to develop methods Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education. 28(3), 327-342
  • THOMSON, P., 2007. Whole School Change: a review of the literature (978-0-7287-1336-9)
  • THOMSON, P. and RUSSELL, L., 2007. Mapping the Alternatives to Permanent Exclusion (978 1 85935 589 3)
  • THOMSON, P., 2007. Working the in/visible geographies of school exclusion.. In: GULSON, K. and SYMES, C., eds., Spatial Theories of Education: Policy and Geography Matters London: Routledge. 111-130
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2007. Leading schools in high poverty neighbourhoods: The National College for School Leadership and beyond. In: PINK, W.T. and NOBLIT, G.W., eds., The International Handbook of Urban Education Dordrecht: Springer. 1049-1078
  • THOMSON, P, 2007. Making education more equitable: What can policymakers learn from the Australian Disadvantaged Schools Programme?. In: TEESE, R, LAMB, S and DURU-BELLAT, M, eds., International Studies in Educational Inequality, Theory and Policy: Inequality: Educational Theory and Public Policy 3. Dordrecht: Springer. 239-256
  • GUNTER, H and THOMSON P, 2007. But, where are the children Management in Education. 21(1), 23-28
  • GUNTER, H and THOMSON, P, 2007. Learning about student voice Support for Learning. 22(4), 181-188
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2007. Making it real: engaging students in active citizenship projects.. In: THIESSEN, D. and COOK-SATHER, A., eds., The international handbook of student experience in elementary and secondary schools Dordrecht: Springer. 775-804
  • KAMLER, B and THOMSON, P, 2007. Rethinking doctoral writing as text work and identity work. In: SOMEKH, B and SCHWANDT, T, eds., Knowledge production: Research Work in Interesting Times London: Routledge.
  • THOMSON, P.L., HALL, C. and RUSSELL, L., 2006. An arts project failed, censored or...? A critical incident approach to artist-school partnerships Changing English. 13(1), 29-44
  • KAMLER, B. and THOMSON, P., 2006. Helping doctoral students write: pedagogies for supervision Routledge.
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2006. Policy scholarship against de-politicisation. In: OZGA, J., SEDDON, T. and POPKEWITZ, T.S., eds., World yearbook of education 2006 London: Routledge.
  • THOMSON, P.L. and GUNTER, H., 2006. From 'consulting pupils' to 'pupils as researchers': a situated case narrative. British Educational Research Journal. 32(6), 839-856
  • BLACKMORE, J., THOMSON, P.L. and BARTY, K., 2006. Principal selection: homosociability, the search for security and the production of normalized principal identities Educational Management, Administration & Leadership. 34(3), 297-318
  • HOLLINS, K., GUNTER, H. M. and THOMSON, P.L., 2006. Living improvement: a case study of a secondary school in England Improving Schools. 9(2), 141-152
  • HARRIS, B, VINCENT, K, THOMSON, P and TOALSTER, R, 2006. Does every child know they matter?: Pupil's views of one alternative to exclusion Pastoral Care in Education. 24(2), 28-38
  • THOMSON, P AND GUNTER, H, 2006. Stories from commissioned research In: BERA Conference Proceedings.
  • THOMSON, P.L. and BLACKMORE, J., 2006. Beyond the power of one: redesigning the work of schools and their principals. Journal of Educational Change. 7(3), 161-177
  • THOMSON, P.L., NIXON, H. and COMBER, B., 2006. A case of intention deficit disorder? ICT policy, disadvantaged schools and leaders. School Effectiveness and School Improvement: an international journal of research, policy and practice. 17(4), 465-482
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2006. Miners, diggers, ferals and show-men: school-community projects that affirm and unsettle identities and place
  • THOMSON, P.L., BROWN, L., DAY, C. and TOWNSEND, A., 2005. Developing A Networked Learning Community with ICT - Learning the Hard Way
  • HALL, C.J. and THOMSON, P., 2005. Creative tensions? Creativity and basic skills in recent educational policy English in Education. 39(3), 5-18
  • THOMSON, P.L., BLACKMORE, J. and SACHS, J., 2005. An investigation of the declining supply in principals in Australia,
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2005. Who's afraid of Saul Alinsky?: radical traditions in community organising Forum for Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education. 47(2/3), 199-206
  • THOMSON, P.L., MCQUADE, V. and ROCHFORD, K., 2005. 'My little special house': re-forming the risky geographies of middle school girls at Clifftop College. In: Problem Girls: working with troubled and troublesome young women. London: Routledge Falmer,.
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2005. Building family-school relationships in Australia and New Zealand: debates, dilemas and promising directions. In: HIATT-MICHAEL, DIANA B., ed., Promising Practices for Family Involvement Across the Continents Greenwich: Information Age Publishing Inc.
  • BARTY, K., THOMSON, P.L., BLACKMORE, J. and SACHS, J., 2005. Unpacking the issues: researching the shortage of school principals in two states in Australia Australian Educational Researcher. 32(3), 1-18
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2005. Developing the textual turn: tracking the grammar of research case records Educational Action Research. 13(1), 137-159
  • THOMSON, P., 2005. Globalising the rust belt and public education. In: MICHAEL APPLE and JANE KENWAY. MICHAEL SINGH, eds., Globalising Education: Policies, Pedagogies and Politics Bern: Peter Lang AG. 79-92
  • THOMSON, P.L., ELLISON, L., BYROM, T. and BULMAN, D., 2004. An investigation into queries that school offices receive from parents and carers DfES. (Research Report RR57)
  • REID, A. and THOMSON, P.L., 2004. Democracy and the official curriculum. In: WILLIS, P, ed., Lifelong learning and the democratic imagination: revisioning justice, freedom and community 415-430
  • KAMLER, B. and THOMSON, P.L., 2004. Driven to abstraction: doctoral supervision and writing pedagogies Teaching in Higher Education. 9(2), 195-210
  • BLACKMORE, J. and THOMSON, P.L., 2004. Just `good and bad news'?: disciplinary imaginaries of head teachers in Australia and English print media Journal of Education Policy. 19(3), 301-320
  • REID, A. and THOMSON, P.L., 2003. Challenging the dominant discourse of the state aid debate. Change: Transformations in Education. 6(1), 19-33
  • REID, A. and THOMSON, P.L., eds., 2003. Rethinking public education: towards a public curriculum Brisbane: Post Pressed.
  • THOMSON, P.L., BLACKMORE, J., SACHS, J. and TREGENZA, K, 2003. High stakes principleship - sleepless nights, heart attacks and sudden death accountabilities: reading media representations of the US principal shortage Australian Journal of Education. 42(2), 118
  • THOMSON, P.L., MCQUADE, V. and ROCHFORD, K., 2003. "No-One's a good or bad student here": changing identities in an active citizenship project International Journal of Learning. 10,
  • THOMSON, P.L. and COMBER, B., 2003. Deficient "disadvantage students" or media-savvy new meaning makers?: engaging new metaphors for redesigning classrooms and pedagogies McGill Journal of Education. 38(2), 305-328
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2003. Just curriculum work Education Review. 17(1), 82-89
  • THOMSON, P.L. and HOLDSWORTH, R., 2003. Theorizing change in the educational `field': re-readings of `student participation' projects International Journal of Leadership in Education. 6(4), 371-392
  • THOMSON, P and REID A, 2003. Introduction: what's public about curriculum?. In: , ed., Rethinking public education: towards a public curriculum
  • SANDERSON, V. and THOMSON, P.L., 2003. Towards a just indigenous education: a continuing challenge for state schooling. In: REID, A. and THOMSON, P.L., eds., Rethinking public education: towards a public curriculum 95-120
  • THOMSON, P., 2002. Schooling the rustbelt kids: making the difference in changing times Sterling USA, Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books Ltd.
  • SANDERSON, V. and THOMSON, P., 2002. Diversity and Discipline: the impact of punishment on the learning of Aboriginal students
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2002. Our families : strengthening school-family relations.
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2002. Muddy waters and dirty discourse(s): teaching about social justice in teacher education Teaching Education. 13(1), 103-111
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2002. Strengthening family-school relationships: a story about using research to develop policy and practice in Tasmania International Electronic Journal for leadership in learning. 6(13),
  • BRENNAN, M., KENWAY, J., THOMSON, P.L. and ZIPIN, L., 2002. Uneasy alliances: university, workplace, industry and profession in the education doctorate Australian Educational Researcher. 29(3), 63-84
  • MCWILLIAM, E., TAYLOR, P. and THOMSON, P., 2002. Research training in professional doctoral programs: What can we learn from professional doctorates? Canberra: Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training.
  • COMBER, B., THOMSON, P.L. and WELLS, M., 2001. Critical literacy finds a "place": writing and social action in a low-income Australian grade 2/3 classroom Elementary School Journal. 101(4), 451-464
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2001. Lessons from Alberta?: choice, equity, diversity and democracy in public education Curriculum Perspectives. 21(3), 39-50
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2001. The sound of one hand grasping at straws?: the struggle for equity and the quality in public education. In: NURSEY-BRAY, P. and BACCHI, C.L., eds., Left directions : is there a third way? 178-192
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2001. Ambiguous practice: a professional doctorate for public sector leaders. In: Doctoral education and professional practice: the next generation Armidale: Kardoorair Press. 247-274
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2001. From DSP to CLP: literacy, educational disadvantage and policy English in Australia. 19-34
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2000. Like school, educational disadvantage and thisness. Australian Educational Researcher. 27(3), 151-166
  • THOMSON, P.L., 2000. Move over Rover!: an essay/assay of the field of educational management in the UK Journal of Education Policy. 15(6), 717-732

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