CHEN, QINLONG, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and AHMED, MD RISHAD, 2023. An Unbalanced Capacitor Voltage Buck Converter With Wide Soft Switching Range IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 1-11 FARES, AHMED M., KIPPKE, MATIAS, RASHED, MOHAMED, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and BOZHKO, SERHIY, 2021. Development of a Smart Supercapacitor Energy Storage System for Aircraft Electric Power Systems ENERGIES. 14(23),
KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN, RASHED, MOHAMED, DE, DIPANKAR, PATEL, CHINTAN and ASHER, GREG, 2021. Experimental evaluation of an energy storage system for medium voltage distribution grids enabling solid-state substation functionality MV solid-state substation with energy storage IET SMART GRID. 4(2), 190-201
KHERA, F., KLUMPNER, C. and WHEELER, P., 2019. New modulation scheme for bidirectional qZS modular multi-level converters The Journal of Engineering. FARES, A., KLUMPNER, C. and SUMNER, M., 2019. Optimising the structure of a cascaded modular battery system for enhancing the performance of battery packs The Journal of Engineering.
KHERA, F., KLUMPNER, C. and WHEELER, P., 2019. Experimental Validation of a quasi Z-Source Modular Multilevel Converter with DC Fault Blocking Capability IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. KHERA, F., KLUMPNER, C. and WHEELER, P., 2019. Integrating a Single Z-Source Network with a Modular Multilevel Converter for Voltage Boosting In: SPEC 2019 - 15th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference.
LUKIC, M., HEBALA, A., GIANGRANDE, P., KLUMPNER, C., NUZZO, S., CHEN, G., GERADA, C., EASTWICK, C. and GALEA, M., 2018. State of the Art of Electric Taxiing Systems In: ESARS 2018 - Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles.
FRITZ, N., RASHED, M. and KLUMPNER, C., 2018. Power Density Optimization of a DC/DC Converter for an Aircraft Supercapacitors Energy Storage In: ESARS 2018 - Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles.
KLUMPNER, C. and RASHED, M., 2018. Design and Evaluation of a Power Converter for an Energy Storage System for Aircrafts In: ESARS 2018 - Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles.
FARES, A., KLUMPNER, C. and RASHED, M., 2018. Design Considerations to Optimise Supercapacitor-based Energy Storage Systems for Aerospace Applications In: ESARS 2018 - Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles.
KHERA, FATMA A., KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and WHEELER, PAT W., 2018. A Comparison of Modulation Techniques for Three-phase quasi Z-Source Modular Multilevel Converter Able to Provide DC-link Fault Blocking Capability 2018 20TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON POWER ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS (EPE'18 ECCE EUROPE).
FARES, AHMED, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and SUMNER, MARK, 2017. Investigating the Benefits and Limitations of Cascaded Converter Topologies Used in Modular Battery Systems 2017 IEEE 26TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (ISIE). 2123-2130
PANAGIOTOU, KONSTANTINA, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and SUMNER, MARK, 2017. Being a Member of an Energy Community: Assessing the Financial Benefits for End-users and Management Authority 2017 IEEE 26TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (ISIE). 957-963
KHERA, FATMA A., KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and WHEELER, PAT W., 2017. Operation Principles of Quasi Z-Source Modular Multilevel Converters 2017 IEEE SOUTHERN POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (SPEC). 212-217
PAPADOPOULOS, SAVVAS, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN, RASHED, MOHAMED and WHEELER, PATRICK, 2016. Experimental validation of a hybrid converter with enhanced switching ripple cancellation IET Journal or Power Electronics. 9(12), 2360-2368 KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN, RASHED, MOHAMED, DE, DIPANKAR, PATEL, CHINTAN, KULSANGCHAROEN, PONGORN and ASHER, GREG, 2016. Experimental Validation of the Solid State Substation with Embedded Energy Storage Concept 2016 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE).
PAPADOPOULOS, SAVVAS, RASHED, MOHAMED, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and WHEELER, PAT, 2016. Mitigating the Effect of Series Capacitance Unbalance on the Voltage Reduction Capability of an Auxiliary CSI used as Switching Ripple Active Filter 2016 IEEE ENERGY CONVERSION CONGRESS AND EXPOSITION (ECCE).
RASHED, MOHAMED, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and ASHER, GREG, 2015. Dynamic phasor analysis and design of phase-locked loops for single phase grid connected converters COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING. 34(4), 1122-1143 KULSANGCHAROEN, P., RASHED, M., KLUMPNER, C., DE, D., PATEL, C. and ASHER, G., 2014. Experimental evaluation and efficiency optimisation of a grid-connected converter for household energy storage applications KULSANGCHAROEN, PONGGORN, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN, RASHED, MOHAMED, ASHER, GREG, CHEN, GEORGE Z. and NORMAN, STUART A., 2014. Assessing the Accuracy of Loss Estimation Methods for Supercapacitor Energy Storage Devices Operating under Constant Power Cycling In: 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE-ECCE Europe 2014. RASHED, M., KLUMPNER, C. and ASHER, G.M., 2013. Repetitive and resonant control for a single-phase grid-connected hybrid cascaded multilevel converter IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 28(5), 2224-2234 DE, D., KLUMPNER, C., PATEL, C., PONGGORN, K., RASHED, M. and ASHER, G., 2013. Modelling and control of a multi-stage interleaved DC-DC converter with coupled inductors for super-capacitor energy storage system IET Power Electronics. 6(7), 1360-1375 ROMLIE, M.F., KLUMPNER, C., RASHED, M., ASHER, G. and ODAVIC, M., 2013. Analysis of Stability Aspects of a Large Constant Power Load in a Local Grid In: 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE-ECCE 2013).
PAPADOPOULOS, S. and KLUMPNER, C., 2013. Comparison of Multilevel PWM versus Interleaved Based Sinewave Shaping for Two-Stage Current Source Inverters Used in PV Applications In: 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE-ECCE 2013).
FAZELI, M., ASHER, G.M., KLUMPNER, C., YAO, L. and BAZARGAN, M., 2012. Novel integration of wind generator-energy storage systems within microgrids IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 3(2), 6166916 AZIZ, M.J.A., KLUMPNER, C. and CLARE, J., 2012. Common Mode Voltage Cancellation in a Buck-Type Active Front-End Rectifier Topology JPE Journal of Power Electronics. 12(2), 276-284 KULSANGCHAROEN, P., RASHED, M., KLUMPNER, C., DE, D., PATEL, C., ASHER, G., CHEN, G.Z., 2012. Evaluation of a digitally controlled power electronic emulator for supercapattery In: 6th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2012). DE, D., KLUMPNER, C., RASHED, M., PATEL, C., KULSANGCHAROEN, P. and ASHER, G., 2012. Achieving the desired transformer leakage inductance necessary in DC-DC converters for energy storage applications In: 6th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2012). A52 XU, T., KLUMPNER, C. and CLARE, J., 2012. Assessing the benefits of hybrid cycloconverters IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 59(1), 47-57 FAZELI, M., ASHER, G.M., KLUMPNER, C. and YAO, L., 2011. Novel integration of DFIG-based wind generators within microgrids IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 26(3), 840-850 LEE, M.Y., WHEELER, P. and KLUMPNER, C., 2010. Space-vector modulated multilevel matrix converter IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 57(10), 3385-3394 FAZELI, M., ASHER, G., KLUMPNER, C., YAO, L., BAZARGAN, M. and PARASHAR, M., 2010. Novel Control Scheme for Wind Generation with Energy Storage supplying a given Demand Power In: 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC), 2010. KULSANGCHAROEN, P., KLUMPNER, C., ZHOU, X.H., PENG, C., CHEN, G.Z., RASHED, M. and ASHER, G, 2010. Efficiency evaluation of a novel supercapattery stack witha power electronic interface for energy storage systems In: PCIM 2010, 4-6 May, Nuremberg, Germany.
KEREKES, T., LISERRE, M., TEODORESCU, R.E., KLUMPNER, C. and SUMNER, M., 2009. Evaluation of three-phase transformerless photovoltaic inverter topologies IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 24(9), 2202-2211 FAZELI, M, ASHER, GM, KLUMPNER, C, BOZHKO, S, YAO, L and BAZARGAN, M, 2009. Wind Turbine-Energy Storage Control System For Delivering Constant Demand Power Shared By Dfigs Through Droop Characteristics In: 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009. 1316-1325 KLUMPNER, C., 2009. Using PSIM in the Simulation of Complex Power Converters In: PSIM 2009.
KLUMPNER, C., PHOTONG, . and WHEELER, P., 2009. A More Efficient Current Source Inverter with Series Connected AC Capacitors for Photovoltaic and Fuel Cells Applications In: PCIM Europe, May 2009.
FAZELI, M., ASHER, G., KLUMPNER, C., BOZHKO, S., YAO, L. and BAZARGAN, M., 2009. Wind Turbine-Energy Storage Control System for Delivering Constant demand power shared by DFIGs through droop characteristics In: 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009. RASHED, M., KLUMPNER, C. and ASHER, G, 2009. Modulation strategy for cascaded multilevel converter for 11kV power distribution system In: MEPCON 2009, 20-23 Dec, Egypt.
TOMASINI, M., FELDMAN, R., WHEELER, P., CLARE, J. and KLUMPNER, C., 2009. dq-control of High-Power Current Source Rectifiers utilizing Selective Harmonic Elimination In: 13th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009. WIJEKOON, T., KLUMPNER, C., ZANCHETTA, P. and WHEELER, P.W., 2008. Implementation of a hybrid AC–AC direct power converter with unity voltage transfer IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 23(4), 1918-1926 WHEELER, PATRICK, LIE, XU, LEE, MENG YEONG, EMPRINGHAM, LEE, KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN and CLARE, JON, 2008. A review of Multi-level Matrix Converter topologies In: PEMD 2008. 4th IET Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 2008.. 286-290 SUMNER, M, TEODORESCU, R, KLUMPNER, C, FLORICAU, D, RODRIGUEZ, P and KEREKES, T, 2007. Evaluation of Three-Phase Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter Topologies In: EPE 2007: 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.
AZIZ, J.A., KLUMPNER, C. and CLARE, J, 2007. Cancellation of the common mode voltage in a 3-phase current source rectifier In: 2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications. 1-10
LEE, M.Y., KLUMPNER, C and WHEELER, P.W., 2007. The Modulation Method for The Three-level-Output-Stage Sparse Matrix Converter In: EPE 2007: 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.
CLARE, J.C., TIANNING, X and KLUMPNER, C, 2007. Hybrid Cycloconverters: An Exploration of Benefits In: EPE 2007: 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications.
KLUMPNER, C., MENG LEE, PITIC, C., WHEELER, P. and ZANCHETTA, P, 2007. A New Three-Level Indirect Matrix Converter with Reduced Number of Switches In: Industry Applications Conference, 2007. 42nd IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2007 IEEE. 186-193
KLUMPNER, C., 2006. A hybrid indirect matrix converter immune to unbalanced voltage supply, with reduced switching losses and improved voltage transfer ratio In: Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2006.APEC '06.Twenty-First Annual IEEE,. 7
AZIZ, J. A., KLUMPNER, C. and CLARE, J. C., 2006. A Hybrid Approach to Improve the Robustness Against Unbalanced Voltage Supply and Cancel the Common Mode Voltage for a 3-ph Buck-Type Rectifier In: 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference. 653-658
WIJEKOON, T., KLUMPNER, C. and WHEELER, P., 2006. Implementation of a hybrid AC/AC direct power converter with unity voltage transfer ratio In: Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2006.APEC '06.Twenty-First Annual IEEE. 7
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2006. Using reverse-blocking IGBTs in power converters for adjustable-speed drives IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 42(3), 807-816 KLUMPNER, C., BLAABJERG, F., BOLDEA, I. and NIELSEN, P., 2006. New modulation method for matrix converters IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 42(3), 797-806 KLUMPNER, C., WIJEKOON, T. and WHEELER, P., 2006. New methods for the active compensation of unbalanced supply voltages for two-stage direct power converters IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications. 126(5), 589-598 KLUMPNER,C., 2005. An Indirect Matrix Converter with a Cost Effective Protection and Control In: 2005 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications,. 11
KLUMPNER,C., WIJEKOON,T. and WHEELER,P.W., 2005. New Methods for the Active Compensation of Unbalanced Supply Voltages for Two-Stage Direct Power Converters In: The 2005 International Power Electronics Conference.
WANG, Y. and KLUMPNER, C., 2005. Optimal design of a DC/DC converter for photovoltaic applications In: Industrial Electronics Society, 2005.IECON 2005.31st Annual Conference of IEEE. 6
KLUMPNER, C., AZIZ, J. A. and CLARE, J., 2005. A new buck-type active front end rectifier topology with improved voltage transfer ratio and common mode voltage cancellation In: Industry Applications Conference, 2005.Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting.Conference Record of the 2005,. 631-638 Vol. 1
AZIZ, J. A., KLUMPNER, C. and CLARE, J., 2005. A New Hybrid Current Source Rectifier with Common Mode Voltage Elimination In: Power Electronics and Drives Systems, 2005.PEDS 2005.International Conference on. 389-394
KLUMPNER, C., WIJEKOON, T. and WHEELER, P., 2005. A new class of hybrid AC/AC direct power converters In: Industry Applications Conference, 2005.Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting.Conference Record of the 2005,. 2374-2381 Vol. 4
WIJEKOON, T., KLUMPNER, C. and WHEELER, P., 2005. Improvement of output voltage capability of a two stage direct power converter under unbalanced input voltages In: Power Electronics and Applications, 2005 European Conference on,. 14
KLUMPNER, C., BLAABJERG, F. and THOGERSEN, P., 2005. Compact ASD topologies for single-phase integrated motor drives with sinusoidal input current EPE: European Power Electronics and Drives Journal. 15(1), 57-66
KLUMPNER, C., LISERRE, M. and BLAABJERG, F., 2004. Improved Control of an Active-Front-End Adjustable Speed Drive with a Small DC-Link Capacitor under Real Grid Conditions In: PESC 04: 2004 IEEE 35TH ANNUAL POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE. 1156 - 1162
LISERRE, M., KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2004. Evaluation of the Ride-Through Capability of an Active-Front-End Adjustable Speed Drive Under Real Grid Conditions In: Proceedings of IECON 2004.
KLUMPNER, C., TIMBUS, A. and BLAABJERG, F., 2004. Adjustable Speed Drives with Square-Wave Input Current: A Cost Effective Step in Development to Improve their Performance In: CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE 2004 IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS CONFERENCE. 600 - 607
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2004. An AC/AC Direct Power Conversion Topology Having Multiple Power Grid Connections with Adjustable Loading In: Proc IEE PEMD. 730 - 735
KLUMPNER, C., WHEELER, P.W. and BLAABJERG, F., 2004. A New Control Method of an Indirect Two-Stage Matrix Converter In: IEEE Industrial Application Society Annual Meeting.
KLUMPNER, C., WHEELER, P.W. and BLAABJERG, F., 2004. Control of a Two-Stage Direct Power Converter with a Single Voltage Sensor Mounted in the Intermediary Circuit In: PESC 04: 2004 IEEE 35TH ANNUAL POWER ELECTRONICS SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE. 2386 - 2392
LISERRE, M, KLUMPNER, C, BLAABJERG, F, MONOPOLI, VG and DELL'AQUILA, A, 2004. Evaluation Of The Ride-Through Capability Of An Active-Front-End Adjustable Speed Drive Under Real Grid Conditions
KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN, 2003. Direct power electronic conversion for integrated adjustable motor drives Aalborg University, Institute of Technology (ISBN 87-89179-57-9).
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. Converter Topologies with Low Passive Components Usage for the Next Generation of Integrated Motor Drives In: Proceedings of the 34th Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC 2003. 568 - 573
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. Using Reverse Blocking IGBTs in Power Converters In: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting - IAS 2003. 1516 - 1523
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. Two-Stage Direct Power Converters: An Alternative to Matrix Converters In: IEE Matrix Converter Seminar.
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. Loss Evaluation of Converter Topologies Suited for Integrated Motor Drives In: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting - IAS 2003. 890 - 897
LIU, F., KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. Stability Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of a Matrix Converter Drive System In: Industrial Electronics Society, IECON ''03. 2059 - 2065
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. Measuring with Only One Current Sensor all the Load Currents in a Multiple Drive System Based on a Two-Stage Direct Power Electronic Conversion Topology In: Proceedings of the EPE 2003 Conference.
KLUMPNER, C., THØGERSEN, P. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. Compact ASD Topologies for Single-Phase Integrated Motor Drives with Sinusoidal Input Current In: Proceedings of the EPE 2003 Conference.
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. A Direct Power Electronic Conversion Topology for Multi-Drive Applications In: EPE Journal. 25 - 34
ANDERSEN, G.K., KLUMPNER, C., KJAER, S.B. and BLAABJERG, F., 2003. A new power converter for fuel cells with high system efficiency International Journal of Electronics. 90(11/12), 737-750 ANDERSEN, G.K., KLUMPNER, C., KJAER, S.B. and BLAABJERG, F., 2002. A New Green Power Inverter for Fuel Cells In: Proceedings of the 33rd Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC 2002. 727 - 733
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2002. A Direct Power Electronic Conversion Topology for Multi-Drive Applications In: Proceedings of the 10th Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference: EPE-PEMC 2002.
KJAER, S.B., ANDERSEN, G.K., KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2002. Control Aspects of LCL Grid-Connected Green Power Inverter In: Proceedings of the 2002 Nordic Workshop on Power and Industrial Electronics, NORpie 2002.
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2002. A New Cost-Effective Multi-Drive Solution Based on a Two-Stage Direct Power Electronic Conversion Topology In: Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting - IAS 2002. 444 - 452
BLAABJERG, F., CASADEI, D., MATTEINI, M. and KLUMPNER, C., 2002. Comparison of Two-Current Modulation Strategies for Matrix Converters Under Unbalanced Input Voltage Conditions IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 49, 289 - 296 KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2002. Short Term Braking Capability During Power Interruptions for Integrated Matrix Converter-Motor Drives In: Proceedings of the 33rd Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC 2002. 64 - 71
KLUMPNER, C., NIELSEN, P., BOLDEA, I. and BLAABJERG, F., 2002. New solutions for a low-cost power electronic building block for matrix converters IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 49(2), 336-344 KLUMPNER, C., NIELSEN, P., BOLDEA, I. and BLAABJERG, F., 2002. A new matrix converter motor (MCM) for industry applications IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 49(2), 325-335 KLUMPNER, C., BLAABJERG, F. and BOLDEA, I., 2001. New Modulation Method for Matrix Converters In: Proceedings of the IEEE Industry Applications Society 36th Annual Meeting IAS 2001. 2143 - 2150
KLUMPNER, C. and BLAABJERG, F., 2001. Speeding Up the Maturation Process of the Matrix Converters Technology In: Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC 2001. 1083 - 1088
KLUMPNER, C., BLAABJERG, F. and BOLDEA, I., 2001. Polygonal Flux Modulation for Matrix Converters In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE 2001.
KLUMPNER, C., BOLDEA, I. and BLAABJERG, F., 2001. Limited ride-through capabilities for direct frequency converters IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 16(6), 837-845 BLAABJERG, F. and KLUMPNER, C., 2000. Matrix Converter Motoren - Fremtidens Elektroniske Motor? (in Danish) El-Motorer Journal. 21 - 24
KLUMPNER, C., BOLDEA, I. and BLAABJERG, F., 2000. New Steps Towards a Low-Cost Power Electronic Building Block for Matrix Converters In: Proceedings of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, 35th Annual Meeting, IAS 2000. 1964 - 1971
KLUMPNER, C., BOLDEA, I. and BLAABJERG, F., 2000. Short-Term Ride Through Capabilities for Direct Frequency Converters In: Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC 2000. 235 - 241
KLUMPNER, C. and BOLDEA, I., 2000. A New Modulator for Matrix Converters Allowing for the Reduction of Input Current Ripple In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipments OPTIM 2000. 487 - 492
BLAABJERG, F., CASADEI, D., MATTEINI, M. and KLUMPNER, C., 2000. Comparison of Two Current Modulation Strategies for Matrix Converters Under Unbalanced Input Voltage Conditions In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 465 - 470
KLUMPNER, C., BOLDEA, I. and BLAABJERG, F., 2000. Artificial Loading of the Induction Motors using a Matrix Converter In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives PEVD 2000. 40 - 45
KLUMPNER, C., BOLDEA, I. and BLAABJERG, F., 2000. A New Matrix Converter-Motor (MCM) for Industry Applications In: Proceedings of the IEEE Industry Applications Society, 35th Annual Meeting, IAS 2000. 1394 - 1402
ABRAHAMSEN, F., BLAABJERG, F., KLUMPNER, C., RIES, K. and RASMUSSEN, H., 2000. Low-Inductive Fuses in DC-Link Inverter Applications In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality PCIM 2000. 523 - 528
CASADEI, D., MATTEINI, M., SERRA, G., TANI, A. and KLUMPNER, C., 2000. Input Power Quality in Matrix Converters: Minimisation of the RMS Value of Input Current Disturbances Under Unbalanced and Nonsinusoidal Supply Voltages In: Proceedings of the 2000 Nordic Workshop on Power and Industrial Electronics, NORpie 2000. 129 - 133
LIU, SHUO and KLUMPNER, CHRISTIAN, Investigation in the PV Converter smoothing circuit size reduction vs. loss in energy capturing ADVANCES IN ENERGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-4. 291-294, 68-73