Faculty of Engineering

Image of David Hargreaves

David Hargreaves

Undergraduate Admissions Tutor, Faculty of Engineering



David graduated with a BSc in Physics from Bristol University in 1989. He then worked for British Nuclear Fuels plc for five years, developing groundwater flow modelling software, which is still in use today. For the first year at BNFL, he was seconded to Salford University where he gained an MSc in Computational Physics. David then came to the Department of Civil Engineering at Nottingham University where he did a PhD under the supervision of Chris Baker. The PhD involved both experimental and numerical modelling of the dispersion of pollutants in the wakes of vehicles in the urban environment. David then worked as a post-doc and then lecturer in the Department of Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering at Nottingham University, developing expertise in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), as applied to underground mine ventilation, under the guidance of Ian Lowndes. David then went to work for Fluent (Europe) plc, where he spend three years supporting, developing and applying the FLUENT software. During this period, David worked closely with companies involved in drug delivery, fuel cell development, steel production, municipal incinerator design and dog biscuit extrusion! David then came back to Civil Engineering at Nottingham, where he continues to apply CFD to a variety of environmental flow problems, notably wind engineering, multiphase and open channel flow.

David is a member of the Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Geoprocesses Research Group.

Expertise Summary

David's expertise lies in the application of CFD to a whole range of engineering problems. As a long-time code developer, he understands the capabilities and limitations of the software and is able to extend its functionality when required to address new, novel applications. Application areas include:

Gaseous/particulate dispersion (quarries, deep coal mine ventilation) Wind Engineering (pedestrian level comfort, wind-borne debris, dynamic response of bridge decks/tall buildings) Channel flow (secondary currents, embankment erosion) Multiphase flows (oil and gas) Flow in porous media (metal foams, hydrogeology, pavements)

Teaching Summary

David teaches four modules that are primarily designed for students taking the Civil and Environmental Engineering courses at Nottingham. These are:

Workshops on Population and Production and Engineering Topics (Year 1) Hydraulics 3 (Year 3) Engineering in Context (Year 3) Wind Engineering and Energy (Year 4/MSc)

I also supervise the group design team each year tasked with the design of an onshore wind farm. I supervise 3rd, 4th and MSc projects, using both experimental and numerical techniques.

Research Summary

My research can be summarised as the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling to environmental fluid flows. While this can mean both wind and water, it is the former that I tend to… read more

Recent Publications

Faculty of Engineering

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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