School of Law

Image of Colin Mackie

Colin Mackie

Professor of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences



Professor Colin Mackie is Chair in Law in the School of Law, where he specialises in corporate law and environmental law.

He joined the School of Law in August 2024, having worked previously at the University of Leeds (2017-2024) and the University of Aberdeen (2013-2017).

Professor Mackie has acted as advisor to a variety of private and public sector organisations, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), energy and environmental regulators, financial institutions and prominent non-governmental organisations. Since 2021, he has played a central role in an International Energy Agency (IEA) working party on wind turbine blade recycling, focusing on the legal and regulatory aspects of this.

His research been published in leading journals, including Legal Studies, Journal of Environmental Law, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Energy Policy and the Environmental Law Reporter.

Professor Mackie is an Editor of the Environmental Law Review (case notes).

He obtained an LLB (Hons) in Law, with first class honours, from the University of Manchester and an AHRC-funded PhD from the University of Aberdeen. He is a non-practising solicitor, having undertaken a training contract with the international law firm, Pinsent Masons LLP.

Expertise Summary

Professor Mackie's specialism is corporate environmental liability. His interest in this area derived from his doctoral thesis where he examined the role played by environmental principles, such as the polluter-pays and prevention principles, in legal frameworks of environmental liability and how they interact with corporate law doctrine.

He has worked with the OECD, providing advice and knowledge exchange on the implementation of the EU Environmental Liability Directive in Armenia, Moldova and Kazakhstan.

He has written extensively on the theorisation of financial assurance, a regulatory tool that requires corporations to evidence ability to pay for their environmental obligations, including the remediation of environmental damage and the decommissioning and site restoration at the end of a project's life (e.g. through bonds, guarantees and/or cash deposits). He was commissioned to prepare a report on this area, Reclamation Security Requirements for Power Plants in Alberta, by the Alberta Utilities Commission and provide evidence at public inquiry. He has co-authored two reports, Financial Provision for Environmental Liabilities: practical guide and Financial Provision: protecting the environment and the public purse, as part of a project team headed by representatives of the Environmental Protection Agencies of Scotland and Ireland.

He was also commissioned by a coalition of prominent environmental NGOs to prepare a report, Environmental Due Diligence in Global Value Chains: A study to inform interpretation of key terms within a cross-sectoral EU directive.

Teaching Summary

Professor Mackie teaches Issues in Company Law and Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law at undergraduate level and International Aspects of Corporate Law and Corporate Governance at postgraduate… read more

Selected Publications

  • COLIN MACKIE, 2019. Reform of the system of environmental payments: analysis of compliance with the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) in Kazakhstan - Calculation of monetary payments for damages by industrial pollutants

Professor Mackie teaches Issues in Company Law and Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law at undergraduate level and International Aspects of Corporate Law and Corporate Governance at postgraduate level.

  • COLIN MACKIE, 2024. Environmental liability provisions in Armenia: damage prevention and assessment’s EU4Environment. Available at: <>
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2024. Guideline for Legislation and Policy on End-Of-Life Wind Turbine Blade Waste International Energy Association. Available at: <>
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2023. Planning, Discretion and the Legacy of Onshore Wind Legal Studies. 43(3), 499-522
  • JOSHUA B. COHEN, CHARLES DANNREUTHER, MARKUS FRAUNDORFER, COLIN MACKIE, JULIA MARTIN-ORTEGA, ANNA MDEE and NICOLAS SALAZAR SUTIL, 2023. Riverkin: seizing the moment to remake vital relations in the UK and beyond People and Nature. 1877–1892
  • THOMAS L MUINZER and COLIN MACKIE, 2023. The Sustainable Development Goals. In: EDUARDO G PEREIRA, THOMAS L MUINZER and PATRICK R BAKER, eds., Energy Law and the Sustainable Development Goals Routledge. 15-25
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2023. Developing environmental liability legislation in the Republic of Moldova EU4Environment. Available at: <>
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2022. Wind Turbine Blades at End-of-Life: a preliminary summary of policies, legislation, guidelines, and initiatives that address reuse, recycling, repurposing, and disposal International Energy Association. Available at: <>
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2021. Due Diligence in Global Value Chains: conceptualizing ‘adverse environmental impact’ Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 30(3), 297-312
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2021. Trouble on the Horizon: securing the decommissioning of offshore renewable energy installations in UK waters Energy Policy. 157(112479), 1-12
  • COLIN MACKIE, GUILHERME LEAL and LAURA COORDES, 2021. Extended Financer Liability: better aligning financial decision-making with biodiversity-positive outcomes
  • COLIN MACKIE and LAUREL BESCO, 2020. Rethinking the Function of Financial Assurance for End-of-Life Obligations Environmental Law Reporter. 50(7), 10573-10603
  • COLIN MACKIE and MALCOLM COMBE, 2019. Charges on Land for Environmental Liabilities: a matter of ‘priority’ for Scotland Journal of Environmental Law. 31(1), 83-108
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2019. Corporate Groups, Common Officers and the Relevance of ‘Capacity’ in Questions of Knowledge Attribution Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 20(1), 1-38
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2019. Reform of the system of environmental payments: analysis of compliance with the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) in Kazakhstan - Calculation of monetary payments for damages by industrial pollutants
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2017. A Tale of Unintended Consequence: Corporate Membership in Early UK Company Law Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 17(1), 1-37
  • COLIN MACKIE, VALERIE FOGLEMAN, KIM BRADLEY, SEAN MCCARTHY, PAUL CROWCROFT and PAUL CORRIGAN, 2017. Financial Provision for Environmental Liabilities: practical guide
  • COLIN MACKIE and VALERIE FOGLEMAN, 2016. Self-Insuring Environmental Liabilities: A Residual Risk-Bearer’s Perspective Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 16(2), 293-332
  • COLIN MACKIE, VALERIE FOGLEMAN, KIM BRADLEY, STEPHEN MCCARTHY, PHIL CROWCROFT, MAX FOLKETT and PAUL CORRIGAN, 2016. Financial Provision: protecting the environment and the public purse
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2014. ‘The EU Environmental Liability Directive: A Commentary: edited by Lucas Bergkamp and Barbara J Goldsmith’ (book review) Environmental Law Review. 16(1), 81-85
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2014. The Regulatory Potential of Financial Security to Reduce Environmental Risk Journal of Environmental Law. 26(2), 189-214
  • COLIN MACKIE, 2011. From Privilege to Right: themes in the emergence of limited liability Juridical Review: The Law Journal of the Scottish Universities. 4, 293-313

School of Law

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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