School of Law

Image of Peter Trepte

Peter Trepte

Senior Fellow in Public Procurement Law, Faculty of Social Sciences



Peter Trepte has law degrees from the UK (BA(Hons.)) and France (Licence en Droit) and a doctorate from the Netherlands. He is a Senior Fellow in Public Procurement Law at the University of Nottingham, Head of the Corruption and Public Procurement Unit and Deputy Director of the Public Procurement Research Group. He is also a practicing barrister with Littleton Chambers in London and of Counsel to Grayston & Company in Brussels.

In private practice, he concentrates on public procurement and competition law and has a wide background in EU law. In the case of regulated procurement, he advises and represents public and private sector clients on issues of EU procurement rules as well as on the application of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement and the effect on the procurement rules of the EU's preferential trade arrangements. At the international level, he has extensive and wide geographical experience in Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America of drafting national laws and implementing rules and regulations in the field of public procurement; assessing and benchmarking national procurement systems; drafting standard bidding and contract documents and guidance; developing appropriate procurement regulatory and institutional frameworks and dispute resolution mechanisms; and the design and implementation of public and private sector procurement capacity development programmes.

He was one of three dispute panelists in the procurement dispute between the U.S. and South Korea under the WTO's Government Procurement Agreement. He is currently Chair of the Procurement Review Board of the European Space Agency.

Peter is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply.

He has lectured and published widely on EU matters with particular reference to public procurement and the utilities and is the author of Public Procurement in the EU, 2nd edition (OUP, 2007), The Government Procurement Agreement, in Macrory, Appleton & Plummer The World Trade Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis (Springer, 2005) and Regulating Procurement (OUP, 2004).

Research Summary

Public procurement and corruption issues

Public procurement and aid effectiveness

School of Law

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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