School of Law

Sangeeta Shah

Professor of International Law & Human Rights, Faculty of Social Sciences



Sangeeta Shah is Professor of International Law and Human Rights in the School of Law.

Sangeeta is co-author of Private International Law and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 2016) (with James Fawcett and Maire Ni Shiulleabhain), and co-editor of International Human Rights Law (Oxford University Press, 2022) (with Daniel Moeckli and Sandesh Sivakumaran). She has published in leading journals including the Modern Law Review, the European Journal of International Law, the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies and the Human Rights Law Review. From 2002-2016, she contributed to the digest of 'UK Materials on International Law' published in the British Year Book of International Law. She sits on the editorial boards of the Modern Law Review and the Human Rights Law Review.

Sangeeta has contributed to trainings on international human rights law for a range of actors from diplomats and national judges to African prison officers. She has been a visiting scholar at UNSW Law (Sydney), School of Law, University of Canterbury (Christchurch) and the Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Law (Heidelberg) and has been a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon.

Sangeeta holds a BA (Hons) in Economics and Law and a Masters of Jurisprudence from the University of Durham. She arrived in Nottingham in 2003 to take a position as a research fellow at the Human Rights Law Centre and she joined the School of Law as a lecturer four years later.

Selected Publications

Prospective PhD students

Enquiries from prospective students who are interested in researching in areas related to human rights (both international and domestic) are welcome.

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  • SHAH, S and SIVAKUMARAN, S, 2024. Complementing UN Human Rights Efforts Through Universal Periodic Review Journal of Human Rights Practice.
  • MOECKLI, D, SHAH, S, SIVAKUMARAN, S and DAVID HARRIS, eds., 2022. International Human Rights Law 4th edn. Oxford University Press.
  • SHAH, S, 2022. Detention and Trial. In: MOECKLI, D, SHAH, S and SIVAKUMARAN, S, eds., International Human Rights Law 4th edn. Oxford University Press.
  • CONNORS, J and SHAH, S, 2022. United Nations. In: MOECKLI, D, SHAH, S and SIVAKUMARAN, S, eds., International Human Rights Law 4th edn. Oxford University Press.
  • SHAH, S and SIVAKUMARAN, S, 2021. The Use Of International Human Rights Law In The Universal Periodic Review Human Rights Law Review. 21(2), 264-301
  • MOECKLI, D, SHAH, S, SIVAKUMARAN, S and HARRIS, DJ, eds., 2017. International Human Rights Law 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
  • SHAH, S., 2017. Detention and Trial. In: MOECKLI, D., SHAH, S. and SIVAKUMARAN, S., eds., International Human Rights Law 3rd edition. Oxford University Press.
  • FAWCETT, J, NÍ SHÚILLEABHÁIN, M and SHAH, S, 2016. Human Rights and Private International Law Oxford University Press.
  • POOLE, T. and SHAH, S., 2016. A Very Successful Action? Keyu and Historical Wrongs at Common Law UK Supreme Court Yearbook. 7, 167-189
  • HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2016. UK Materials on International Law 2015 British Yearbook of International Law. 86, 324-724
  • HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2015. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2014 British Yearbook of International Law. 85, 301-727
  • SHAH, S., POOLE, T. and BLACKWELL, M., 2014. Rights, Interveners and the Law Lords Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 34(2), 295-324
  • HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2014. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2013 British Yearbook of International Law. 84, 526-952
  • MOECKLI, D., SHAH, S. and SIVAKUMARAN, S., eds., 2013. International Human Rights Law Second edn. Oxford University Press.
  • BOYLE, K. and SHAH, S., 2013. Thought, Expression, Association, and Assembly. In: MOECKLI, D., SHAH, S. and SIVAKUMARAN, S., eds., International Human Rights Law Second edn. Oxford University Press. Chapter 11
  • SHAH, S., 2013. Detention and Trial. In: MOECKLI, D., SHAH, S. and SIVAKUMARAN, S., eds., International Human Rights Law Second edn. Oxford University Press. Chapter 13
  • SHAH, S., 2012. Jurisdictional Immunities of the State: Germany v Italy Human Rights Law Review. 12(3), 555-573
  • SHAH, S., 2012. The Equality and Human Rights Commission at the Human Rights Council Human Rights Consortium. Available at: <>
  • HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2012. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2012 British Yearbook of International Law. 83, 298-712
  • POOLE, T. and SHAH, S., 2011. The Law Lords and human rights Modern Law Review. 74(1), 79-105
  • AKANDE, D. and SHAH, S., 2011. Immunities of State Officials, International Crimes and Foreign Domestic Courts: A Rejoinder to Alexander Orakhelashvil European Journal of International Law. 22(3), 857-861
  • HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2011. United Kingdom Materials on International Law British Year Book of International Law. 82, 676-1105
  • MUNRO, V. and SHAH, S., 2010. R v Dhaliwal. In: HUNTER, R., MCGLYNN, C. and RACKLEY, E, eds., Feminist Judgments: From Theory to Practice Oxford: Hart Publishing. 261-272
  • MOECKLI, D, SHAH, S and SIVAKUMARAN, S, eds., 2010. International Human Rights Law Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • AKANDE, D. and SHAH, S., 2010. Immunities of state officials, international crimes, and foreign domestic courts European Journal of International Law. 21(4), 815-852
  • SHAH, S., 2010. Administration of Justice. In: MOECKLI, D., SHAH, S. and SIVAKUMARAN, S., eds., International Human Rights Law Oxford: Oxford University Press. 304-330
  • HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2010. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2010 British Yearbook of International Law. 81, 453-817
  • SHAH, S., 2009. From Westminster to Strasbourg: A and others v United Kingdom Human Rights Law Review. 9(3), 473-488
  • KAIKOBAD, K, HARTMANN, J and SHAH, S. AND WARBRICK, C., 2009. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2009 British Year Book of International Law. 80, 660-949
  • SHAH, S. and POOLE, T., 2009. The impact of the Human Rights Act on the House of Lords Public Law. 2009(April), 347-371
  • SHAH, S, 2008. The Human Rights Committee and Military Trials of Civilians: Madani v Algeria Human Rights Law Review. 8(1), 139-150
  • KAIKOBAD, K., HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2008. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2008 British Year Book of International Law. 79, 565-848
  • SHAH, 2007. Seeking Remedies for Violations of International Humanitarian Law: Markovic v Italy Human Rights Law Review. 7(2), 412-417
  • HARTMANN, J, KAIKOBAD, K, SHAH, S and WARBRICK, C, 2007. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2007 British Year Book of International Law. 78, 634-911
  • SHAH, S, 2007. International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance: Introductory Note International Human Rights Reports. 14(2), 582-584
  • BEKOU, O. and SHAH, S., 2006. Realising the potential of the International Criminal Court: the African experience Human Rights Law Review. 6(3), 499-544
  • SHAH, S., 2006. The UK's Anti-terror Legislation and the House of Lords: the Battle Continues Human Rights Law Review. 6(2), 416-434
  • KAIKOBAD, K., HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2006. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2006 British Year Book of International Law. 77, 597-906
  • SHAH, S., 2005. The U.K.'s anti-terror legislation and the House of Lords: the first skirmish Human Rights Law Review. 5(2), 403-421
  • KAIKOBAD, K., HARTMANN, J., SHAH, S. and WARBRICK, C., 2005. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2005 British Year Book of International Law. 76, 683-970
  • SHAH,S., 2004. International Covention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families - Introductory Note International Human Rights Reports. 11(1), 269-271
  • KAIKOBAD,K., HARTMANN,J., SHAH,S., WARBRICK,C. and WILLIAMS,S., 2003. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2003 British Year Book of International Law. 74, 565-954
  • KATSELLI, E. and SHAH, S., 2003. SEPTEMBER 11 AND THE UK RESPONSE International and Comparative Law Quarterly. VOL 52(PART 1), 245-255
  • KAIKOBAD,K., SHAH,S. and WARBRICK,C., 2002. United Kingdom Materials on International Law 2002 British Year Book of International Law. 73, 497-1043
  • WILLIAMS,S. and SHAH,S., 2002. The Bankovic Case (ECHR): Where the Court Went Wrong: A Response Human Rights Law Review Student Supplement. 21-29
  • WILLIAMS, S. and SHAH, S., 2002. Bankovic and Others v. Belgium and 16 other Contracting States European Human Rights Law Review. ISSU 6, 775-781

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