School of Pharmacy

Image of Naoko Arakawa

Naoko Arakawa

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science



Dr Naoko Arakawa obtained her Bachelor in Pharmacy from the Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Japan, and became a registered pharmacist in Japan in 2002. Dr Arakawa worked as a pharmacist for a general hospital for 7 years and a community pharmacy for 1 year and 3 months. She moved to the UK for her postgraduate study in 2010 and obtained Master of Science in Clinical Pharmacy, International Practice and Policy with distinction from the School of Pharmacy, University of London in 2011. She completed her PhD at the University College London School of Pharmacy in 2016, and her thesis was entitled 'Global Pharmacy: A Comparative Exploration and Analysis of Initial Professional Education'. Dr Arakawa undertook a role of the International Lead at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society for UK-Japan collaborative programme between 2016-2018. She took a position of Assistant Professor in International Pharmacy at the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham in April 2018, and currently Associate Professor at the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham. Dr Arakawa is also Interim Education Secretary of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), and a global lead for Competency Development of the FIP Hub.

Teaching Summary

Dr Arakawa is a Year 3 head of BSc International Pharmacy programme jointly taught with the Tianjin University Traditional Chinese Medicines in China.

She also teaches in Master of Pharmacy programme:

  • Y2 Cardiovascular module: Epidemiology and Critical Appraisal (4 lectures and a workshop)
  • Y3 Research project module: UG project supervisions and PPP divisional research training - Using published evidence and Data management & stats

Research Summary

Dr Arakawa's research interests focus on developing and evaluating needs-based pharmacy practice and workforce development in a global perspective for assisting the improvement of patients' and… read more

Recent Publications

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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