School of Pharmacy

Image of Snow Stolnik

Snow Stolnik

Professor of Pharmaceutics, Director of EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies, Faculty of Science



I received Dipl. Eng. degree in Pharmacy from the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, University of Zagreb, Croatia. I worked for my master degree in Pharmaceutical Technology at Pharmacology and Therapeutics Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. I obtained PhD (Doctorate Medicine-Pharmacy) from University of Zagreb, Croatia for work completed under supervision of Prof SS Davis and Prof L Illum at the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, UK.

Following PhD, I took up postdoctoral position at the School of Pharmacy at Nottingham, and was subsequently appointed Lecturer, Associate Professor in Advanced Drug Delivery, and promoted to Professor in Pharmaceutics at School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham.

I held the Royal Society Industry Fellowship in 2007-2009.

I was Director of EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines, PI and Director of 2018 funded Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies at University of Nottingham, University College London, SSPC Centre for Pharmaceuticals in Ireland, and a consortium of pharmaceutical and healthcare industry partners. I am also CI and co-Director of 2024 funded EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Accelerated Medicines Design and Development, at University of Nottingham and UCL, and a consortium of pharmaceutical industrial partners.

Expertise Summary

My research lies at the interface of physicochemical characterisation and biological performance of drug delivery systems. Representative recent examples include studies on transport of nanoparticles into/across cells, and events at epithelium and at cell membrane (Molecular Pharmaceutics 2014, 2019, Scientific Reports 2018, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 2019, Journal of Controlled Release 2022), ligand mediated delivery of colloidal polymeric systems (J Controlled Release 2012, 2013, 2020, Small 2013, Science Advances 2015, Advanced Therapeutics 2021) and 'cells in matrices' (J Biotechnology 2009, Bioconjugate Chemistry 2019, J of Pathology 2021).

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My research funding also includes a portfolio of industry-sponsored projects with NittoDenko Japan, UCB Celltech, Biocompatibles, AstraZeneca, MedImmune, Baxter, Critical Pharmaceuticals, Archimedes, Honda, and GSK.

Teaching Summary

Pharmaceutics lead on Gastrointestinal and liver diseases, and Central nervous system modules of MPharm course, and Advanced drug delivery, and Science in industry modules of MSci course.

Research Summary

My research lies at the interface of physicochemical characterisation and biological performance of drug delivery systems. Representative recent examples include studies on transport of nanoparticles… read more

Recent Publications

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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