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WADMAN, R., ARMSTRONG, M., CLARKE, D., HARROE, C., MAJUMDER, P., SAYAL, K., VOSTANIS, P. and TOWNSEND, E., 2018. Experience of self-harm and its treatment in looked-after young people: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Archives of Suicide Research. 22, 365-379 WADMAN, R., CLARKE, D., SAYAL, K., VOSTANIS, P., ARMSTRONG, M., HARROE, C., MAJUMDER, P. and TOWNSEND, E., 2017. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of self-harm repetition and recovery in young adults. Journal of Health Psychology. 22, 1631-1641 NIELSEN, E., SAYAL, K. and TOWNSEND, E., 2017. Dealing with difficult days: functional coping dynamics in self-harm ideation and enactment Journal of Affective Disorders. 208, 330-337 LOCKWOOD, J., DALEY, D., TOWNSEND, E. and SAYAL, K., 2017. Impulsivity and self-harm in adolescence: A systematic review. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 26, 387–402 NIELSEN, E and TOWNSEND, E, 2017. Public perceptions of self-harm - A test of an attribution model of public discrimination. Stigma and Health. (In Press.)
WADMAN R, CLARKE D, SAYAL K, ARMSTRONG M, HARROE C, MAJUMDER P, VOSTANIS P and TOWNSEND E, 2017. A sequence analysis of patterns in self-harm in young people with and without experience of being looked-after in care. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 56, 388-407 HAWTON K, WITT KG, TAYLOR SALISBURY TL, ARENSMAN E, GUNNELL D, HAZELL P, TOWNSEND E and VAN HEERINGEN K, 2016. Psychosocial interventions for self-harm in adults. Cochrane Library. TOWNSEND E, NESS J, WATERS K, KAPUR N, TURNBULL P, COOPER J, BERGEN H and HAWTON K, 2016. Self-harm and life problems: findings from the Multicentre Study of Self-harm in England Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. TOWNSEND E, WADMAN R, SAYAL K, ARMSTRONG M, HARROE C, MAJUMDER P, VOSTANIS P and CLARKE D, 2016. Uncovering key patterns in self-harm in adolescents: Sequence analysis using the Card Sort Task for Self-harm (CaTS): (Open Access.) Journal of Affective Disorders. 206, 161-168 GLAZEBROOK, K., TOWNSEND, E. and SAYAL, K., 2015. The role of attachment style in predicting repetition of adolescent self-harm: A longitudinal study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 45(6), 664-678 HAWTON K, WITT KG, TAYLOR SALISBURY TL, ARENSMAN E, GUNNELL D, TOWNSEND E, VAN HEERINGEN K and HAZELL P, 2015. Interventions for self-harm in children and adolescents. Cochrane Library. TURNBULL P, WEBB R, KAPUR N, BERGEN H, HAWTON K, NESS J, WATERS K, TOWNSEND E and COOPER J, 2015. Variation by ethnic group in premature mortality risk following self-harm: a multicentre cohort study in England BMC Psychiatry. KAPUR N, STEEG S, TURNBULL P, WEBB R, BERGEN H, HAWTON K, GEULAYOV G, TOWNSEND E, NESS J, WATERS K and COOPER J, 2015. Hospital management of suicidal behaviour and subsequent mortality: a prospective cohort study Lancet Psychiatry. HAWTON K, WITT KG, TAYLOR SALISBURY TL, ARENSMAN E, GUNNELL D, HAZELL P, TOWNSEND E and VAN HEERINGEN K, 2015. Pharmacological interventions for self-harm in adults Cochrane Library. TOWNSEND, E., 2014. Self-Harm in Young People. Clinical Review. Evidence-Based Mental Health. 2014, TOWNSEND E, 2014. Suicide Terrorism. In: NOCK M, ed., Oxford Handbook of Suicide and Self-Injury 2014. Oxford University Press. KNOWLES, S.E. and TOWNSEND, E., 2012. Implicit and explicit attitudes toward self harm: support for a functional model Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 43(2), 730-736 FLEMING, P, TOWNSEND, E, VAN HILTEN, J, SPENCE, A and FERGUSON, E, 2012. Expert-relevance and the use context-driven heuristic processes in risk perception. Journal of Risk Resarch. 15, 857-873
KNOWLES, S, TOWNSEND, E and ANDERSON M, 2012. Youth Justice staff attitudes towards screening for self-harm. Health and Social Care in the Community: o. 20(5), 506-515 KNOWLES, S., TOWNSEND, E. and ANDERSON, M., 2011. 'Factors associated with self-harm in community-based young offenders:the importance of psychological variables Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. 22(4), 479-495 ULPH, F., LEONG, J., GLAZEBROOK, C. and TOWNSEND, E., 2010. A qualitative study exploring genetic counsellors' experiences of counselling children European Journal of Human Genetics. 18(10), 1090-1094 TOWNSEND, E., WALKER, D.M., SARGEANT, S., VOSTANIS, P., HAWTON, K., STOCKER, O. and SITHOLE, J., 2010. Systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions relevant to young offenders with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or self-harm Journal of Adolescence. 33(1), 9-20 FERGUSON, E., SPENCE, A., TOWNSEND, E., PROWSE, C., PALMER, J., FLEMING, P. and VAN HILTEN, J.A., 2009. What information is trusted by whom:a multi-level analysis of the stability of the information source-trust association for blood transfusion. Transfusion. 49(8), 1637-1648 TOWNSEND, E., WALKER, D.M., SARGEANT, S., STOCKER, O., VOSTANIS, P., SITHOLE, J. and HAWTON, K., 2009. Interventions for mood and anxiety disorders and self harm in young offenders: Systematic review protocol Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. CD007195 FERGUSON, E., PROWSE, C., TOWNSEND, E., SPENCE, A., VAN HILTEN, J.A. and LOWE, K., 2008. Acceptability of blood and blood substitutes Journal of Internal Medicine. 263(3), 244-255 FLEMING, P, FERGUSON E, TOWNSEND, E and LOWE, KC, 2007. Stakeholder perceptions in transfusion medicine: A Pilot field study on risk and ethics for blood and blood substitutes. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology. 35(149-156), TOWNSEND, E., 2007. Suicide Terrorists: Are They Suicidal? SUICIDE AND LIFE THREATENING BEHAVIOR. VOL 37(NUMB 1), 35-49 TOWNSEND, E., 2007. Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions for Young Offenders. In: VOSTANIS, P., ed., Mental Health Interventions and Services for Vulnerable Children and Young People London: Jessica Kingsley.
KNOWLES, S., TOWNSEND, E. and ANDERSON, M., 2006. Using ASSET data for mental health research on young offenders: Issues and implications for researchers Educational and Child Psychology. 23(2), 52-61
SPENCE, A. and TOWNSEND, E., 2006. Examining Consumer Behavior Toward Genetically Modified (GM) Food in Britain Risk Analysis. VOL 26(NUMBER 3), 657-670 FERGUSON, E., LEAVISS, J., TOWNSEND, E., FLEMING, P. and LOWE, K.C., 2005. Perceived safety of donor blood and blood substitutes for transfusion: the role of informational frame, patient groups and stress appraisals Transfusion Medicine. 15(5), 401-412 CAMPBELL, S. and TOWNSEND, E., 2005. How to Make a Minority Look Like a Majority AUSTRALASIAN SCIENCE. VOL 26(NUMB 2), 28-29
ULPH, F., GLAZEBROOK, C., LEONG, J., SHAKESPEARE, F. and TOWNSEND, E., 2005. "It's certainly letting a little bit of a flood gate open": Genetic counsellors' views about the UK newborn screening programme for cystic fibrosis. Journal of Medical Genetics. 42: S122-S122 Suppl. 1,
TOWNSEND, ELLEN, CLARKE, DAVID D and TRAVIS, BETSY, 2004. Effects of context and feelings on perceptions of genetically modified food. Risk Analysis. 24(5), 1369-84 CAMPBELL, S. and TOWNSEND, E., 2003. Flaws undermine results of UK biotech debate. Nature.. 425(6958), 559 HAWTON, K., HOUSTON, K., HAW, C., TOWNSEND, E. and HARRISS, L., 2003. Comorbidity of Axis I and Axis II Disorders in Patients Who Attempted Suicide American Journal of Psychiatry. VOL 160(PART 8), 1494-1500 HAW, C., HAWTON, K., WHITEHEAD, L., HOUSTON, K. and TOWNSEND, E., 2003. Assessment and Aftercare for Deliberate Self-Harm Patients Provided by a General Hospital Psychiatric Service Crisis. VOL 24(PART 4), 145-150 HAW, C., HAWTON, K., HOUSTON, K. and TOWNSEND, E., 2003. Correlates of Relative Lethality and Suicidal Intent among Deliberate Self-Harm Patients Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. VOL 33(PART 4), 353-364 HOUSTON, K., HAW, C., TOWNSEND, E. and HAWTON, K., 2003. General practitioner contacts with patients before and after deliberate self harm British Journal of General Practice. VOL 53(MAY), 365-370
HAWTON, K., HAW, C., HOUSTON, K. and TOWNSEND, E., 2002. Family history of suicidal behaviour: prevalence and significance in deliberate self-harm patients Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. VOL 106(PART 5), 387-393 GEDDES, J., BURGESS, S., HAWTON, K., TOWNSEND, E., JAMISON, K. and GOODWIN, G., 2002. Lithium prophylaxis of mood disorders: Efficacy, acceptability and anti-suicidal effects Journal of Affective Disorders. 68(1), 83
HAW,C., HOUSTON,K., TOWNSEND,E. and HAWTON,K., 2002. Deliberate self-harm patients with depressive disorders: treatment and outcome. Journal of Affective Disorders. 70(70(1)), 57-65 HAWTON, K. and TOWNSEND, E., 2002. UK legislation on analgesic pack sizes: impact on suicidal behaviour European Psychiatry. VOL 17(NUMBER), 67 HAWTON, K., TOWNSEND, E., DEEKS, J., APPLEBY, L., GUNNELL, D., BENNEWITH, O. and COOPER, J., 2001. Effects of legislation restricting pack sizes of paracetamol and salicylate on self poisoning in the United Kingdom: before and after study British Medical Journal. 322(7296), 1203-1206 TOWNSEND, E., HAWTON, K., HARRISS, L., BALE, E. and BOND, A., 2001. Substances used in deliberate self-poisoning 1985-1997: trends and associations with age, gender, repetition and suicide intent Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 36(5), 228-234 HAW, C, HAWTON, K, HOUSTON, K and TOWNSEND, E, 2001. Psychiatric and personality disorders in deliberate self-harm patients. British Journal of Psychiatry. 178(1), 48-54 TOWNSEND, E., HAWTON, K., ALTMAN, D. G., ARENSMAN, E., GUNNELL, D., HAZELL, P., HOUSE, A. and VAN HEERINGEN, K., 2001. The efficacy of problem-solving treatments after deliberate self-harm: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with respect to depression, hopelessness and improvement in problems Psychological Medicine. VOL 31(PART 6), 979-988 BURGESS, S., GEDDES, J., HAWTON, K., TOWNSEND, E., JAMISON, K. and GOODWIN, G., 2001. Lithium for maintenance treatment of mood disorders. (Cochrane Review) Oxford University Press, Oxford.
HAW, C., HOUSTON, K., TOWNSEND, E. and HAWTON, K., 2001. Deliberate Self-Harm Patients with Alcohol Disorders: Characteristics, Treatment, and Outcome Crisis. VOL 22(PART 3), 93-101 ARENSMAN, E., TOWNSEND, E., HAWTON, K., BREMNER, S., FELDMAN, E., GOLDNEY, R., GUNNELL, D., HAZELL, P., VAN HEERINGEN, K. and HOUSE, A., 2001. Psychosocial and Pharmacological Treatment of Patients Following Deliberate Self-Harm: The Methodological Issues Involved in Evaluating Effectiveness Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. VOL 31(PART 2), 169-180 HAWTON K, TOWNSEND E, ARENSMAN E, GUNNELL D, HAZELL P, HOUSE A and VAN HEERINGEN K, 1999. Psychosocial and pharmacological treatments for deliberate self harm. Cochrane Library. HAWTON K, ARENSMAN E, TOWNSEND E, BREMNER S, FELDMAN E, GOLDNEY R, GUNNELL D, HAZELL P, VAN HEERINGEN K, HOUSE A, OWENS D, SAKINOFSKY I and TRASKMAN-BENDZ L, 1998. Deliberate self-harm: a systematic review of the efficacy of psychosocial and pharmacological treatments in preventing repetition BMJ. HOCHARD KD, ASHCROFT S, CARROLL J and HEYM N, Exploring thematic nightmare content and associated self-harm risk. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.. (In Press.)