WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, NEWALL, PHILIP, BART, YAKOV, ZLOTEANU, MIRCEA, PEACEY, MIKE, AYTON, PETER and CLACHER, IAIN, 2024. When Vegas comes to Wall Street: Associations between stock price volatility and trading frequency amongst gamblers International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. NEWALL, PHILIP WS, HAYES, TY, SINGMANN, HENRIK, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, LUDVIG, ELLIOT A and WALASEK, LUKASZ, 2023. Evaluation of the' take time to think' safer gambling message: a randomised, online experimental study Behavioural Public Policy.
NEWALL, PHILIP, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, SINGMANN, HENRIK, WALASEK, LUKASZ and LUDVIG, ELLIOT, 2022. Impact of the 'when the fun stops, stop' safer gambling message on online gambling behaviour: A randomised online experimental study Lancet Public Health.
WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, NEWALL, PHILIP WS and AYTON, PETER, 2022. Persistence is futile: Chasing of past performance in repeated investment choices. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 28(2), 341
WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, AYTON, PETER, CLACHER, IAIN and THOMA, VOLKER, 2022. Pension scheme trustees as surrogate decision makers Finance Research Letters. 44, 102043
AYTON, PETER, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO and BARSON, MATTHEW, 2022. Magical contagion and commemorative plaques: Effects of celebrity occupancy on property values Journal of Environmental Psychology. 79, 101723
NEWALL, PHILIP WS, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, SINGMANN, HENRIK, BOYCE, W PAUL, WALASEK, LUKASZ and ROCKLOFF, MATTHEW J, 2022. A speed-of-play limit reduces gambling expenditure in an online roulette game: Results of an online experiment Addictive behaviors. 127, 107229
MURRAY, JENNIFER, DHAMI, MANDEEP K, MCCLATCHEY, KIRSTIE, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO and AYTON, PETER, 2022. Health, wellbeing, and social interaction: an international and demographic analysis of perceived life changes and the positives and negatives of the COVID-19 lockdown Europe’s Journal of Psychology.
NEWALL, PHILIP WS and WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, 2022. The gamblification of investing: how a new generation of investors is being born to lose International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(9), 5391
NEWALL, PHILIP WS, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, THOMA, VOLKER and AYTON, PETER, 2022. Differences amongst estimates of the UK problem gambling prevalence rate are partly due to a methodological artefact International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 1-3
AYTON, PETER and WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, 2021. Smoking versus vaping: how (not) to communicate their relative harms Journal of Risk Research. 24(2), 198-214
WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, KONSTANTINIDIS, EMMANOUIL and HARVEY, NIGEL, 2021. Timing of descriptions shapes experience-based risky choice Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 34(1), 66-84
THOMA, VOLKER, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, FILKUKOVA, PETRA and AYTON, PETER, 2021. Cognitive predictors of precautionary behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic Frontiers in Psychology. 12, 325
SILAS, JONATHAN, JONES, ALEXANDER, WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO and AYTON, PETER, 2021. The seductive allure of technical language and its effect on covid-19 vaccine beliefs and intentions Vaccine. 39(52), 7590-7597
WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, AYTON, PETER and CLACHER, IAIN, 2020. Extraneous menu-effects influence financial decisions made by pension trustees Economics Letters. 187, 108895
WEISS-COHEN, L, KONSTANTINIDIS, E, SPEEKENBRINK, M and HARVEY, N, 2018. Task complexity moderates the influence of descriptions in decisions from experience. Cognition. 170, 209-227
WEISS-COHEN, LEONARDO, KONSTANTINIDIS, EMMANOUIL, SPEEKENBRINK, MAARTEN and HARVEY, NIGEL, 2016. Incorporating conflicting descriptions into decisions from experience Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 135, 55-69