School of Psychology

Image of Jon Peirce

Jon Peirce

Professor, Faculty of Science




  • Jan 2022 - Present: Professor of Psych Research Methods, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Jan 2007 - Jan 2022: Associate Professor, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Sept 2003 - Jan 2007: Lecturer, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Jan 2000 - Sept 2003: Research Fellow, Center for Neural Science, New York University, USA
  • Sept 1996 - Sept 1999: PhD (Neuroscience), Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Sept 1992 - July 1996: Undergraduate (BSc Psychology), School of Psychology University of St Andrews, UK


  • Jan 2018 - Jan 2020: Wellcome Trust Technology Development Grant (£207k)
  • Oct 2008 - Oct 2011: Wellcome Trust Project Grant (£242k)
  • Jan 2005 - Jan 2008: BBSRC Project Grant (£230k)
  • Mar 2004 - Mar 2005: Royal Society research grant (£15k)

Research Summary

Neuroscience methods

I also have a strong interest in how we optimally study the brain and behaviour. This led me to create the free software package for behavioural science, PsychoPy and the experiment repository

Initially developed just for my lab, PsychoPy has become a very popular package with tens of thousands of users from all over the world. See PsychoPy usage stats for further details.

Selected Publications

School of Psychology

University Park
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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