USS pensions – industrial action suspended

USS pensions – industrial action suspended.

I hope everyone was able to have a relaxing few days during the Easter break. I am writing this week to update you on the industrial action over pensions and to provide a few further reflections.

Many of you will know that on Friday it was confirmed that members of the University and College Union voted, with 64% in favour, to accept a proposal by Universities UK to maintain the USS pension scheme as it is until at least April 2019, while a jointly agreed independent panel of experts reviews the valuation of the scheme.

The UCU has confirmed that all currently planned industrial action is suspended but will keep the strike mandate live until the agreement between UCU and UUK is noted by USS. Both organisations have issued statements available at UUK and UCU.

As I have written previously, the University supports this approach, and I am pleased that we now have a negotiated agreement on a way to move forward. There is, of course, some distance to travel before we see a full resolution, but early indicators are that the USS Trustee and the Pensions Regulator are positive about the approach.

I wish our UCU and UUK colleagues every success in agreeing a shared way forward determining a valuation that gives all parties confidence in securing a pension scheme which is generous, fair and sustainable for our staff now and in the future.

This challenging period has led me to reflect further on some of the culture changes I talked about in my inaugural lecture last year. I appreciate that there is much to do in terms of reframing the University’s approach to engagement and consultation within our community; building the culture which we all want; and considering carefully how we make our decisions and where responsibilities lie to ensure we are resilient to the challenges presented by the changes in the world around us. I will be writing about some of these thoughts further in forthcoming blogs.

In my time at Nottingham, I have already seen just how dedicated, creative and committed our community can be, and I look forward to working further with you all to ensure we can flourish in the years ahead. For now, I wish you all an enjoyable and successful summer term.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Shearer West signature

Professor Shearer West

16 April 2018

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