Faculty of Arts

Your talent, our teaching – Philosophy at Nottingham

Explore some of the most important issues facing you and society today, while developing key skills to succeed in your career.

Dr Ian James Kidd introduces our offer-holder event


Have you booked your event? 


You should have already been emailed with a link to book onto your offer-holder day. If you've not already received this please contact us.

Request your invite

More about your course

Detailed descriptions of all the philosophy modules are on the prospectus.

Philosophy BA

Do you hold an offer for a joint honours course? Don't forget to check your other subject.

View our joint honours page


Discover your future


Philosophy gives you the skills for a huge range of careers.

  • Create strong arguments and critique others' – essential for developing and leading projects

  • Build strong skils in ethical reasoning – make sure the decisions you take are the right ones

  • Communicate difficult ideas to non-experts – help colleagues and clients understand clearly what you mean

My course changed me as a person. I enjoyed studying meta, normative and applied ethics as I was able to challenge the assumptions underpinning my beliefs. It gave me a toolkit to learn and think critically about anything.
Deborah Igunma, Philosophy BA 2019 graduate. Now CEO at Peek

Faculty of Arts

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

For course and admissions enquiries see our enquiry page

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