
Ways to study History

A little bit of history is threaded throughout all our courses – it gives rise to the language, politics and culture of our world. Understanding our past helps us shape our future. Students can take a module or a whole course. Here is how history can be studied in our full range of undergraduate courses.


Which one's right for you?

A student observes a skull


Use material remains and practical investigations to study the past

A student observes a vase

Classics and Ancient History

Explore the development and influence of ancient Greek and Roman worlds

A student in a class


Examine the causes and significance of past events and societies

A student looks at art

Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

See how visual culture influences and reflects changes in society

A student studies a map

American and Canadian Studies

The USA and Canada through history, politics and culture

A student studies langauges

Modern Languages

Discover societies through the language in which they communicate

A person reads a religious text

Theology and Religion

How religion has developed and influences today's world

A medieval text

Medieval English

Explore the roots of English through language and literature

A student teaches

Liberal Arts

Understand history and its use across multiple subjects

A drawing of a musician


Investigate the history and power of music in culture and communication

A drawing of two people holding hands


Explore the development of human ideas over the past 2000 years

People studying together

Arts and Humanities Foundation Year

If you need to prepare yourself before starting a degree




Use practical investigations and material remains to interpret the past.

Core periods

  • From prehistoric societies to the twentieth century.

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Working with artifacts
  • Practical experimentation
  • Scientific methods
  • Studying landscapes

You may already be studying:

  • History, Geography, Chemistry, Biology

Our archaeology degrees

The biggest draw I had to archaeology was the BSc course as it allowed me to combine my love of science with my interest in the past.
Cati Frear, BSc Archaeology

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Classics and Ancient History

How the ancient Greek and Roman worlds developed and helped shape Western society.

Core periods

  • Approximately 1600 B.C. to 500 C.E.

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Greek and Roman myths
  • Classical art and literature
  • Greek and Roman history

You may already be studying:

  • History, Classics, Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient History

Classics and Ancient History degrees



I have always found history fascinating and am intrigued by classical life so I thought that this degree would provide me with an amazing opportunity to explore areas of the classical past that I hadn’t been taught about in school.
Lucinda Keith, BA Classical Civilisation



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Investigate the causes and significance of past events and societies and how they relate to our own world.

Core periods

  • Medieval to late twentieth century

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Researching facts and figures
  • Debating

You may already be studying:

  • History, Politics
    Note: A level History is usually required for all single and joint honours History degrees.

History degrees



You can choose from many different topics and there are so many specialists in different areas. I’m studying the Druids and what they may or may not have believed, which I’m finding fascinating.
Maddie Chambers, BA Ancient History and History

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Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

Understand how society has developed through its visual culture.

Core periods

  • From 1400's to the present day.

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Painting and sculpture
  • Film and television
  • Theatre
  • Photography
  • Museums and exhibitions

You may already be studying:

  • History, history of art, art and design, drama and theatre studies, film studies, fine art, textiles, photography, media studies 

Cultural, Media and Visual Studies degrees



I knew I wanted my love for art to be a part of my studies at university so history of art was the perfect course for me. The department trains you very well in visual and critical analysis
Thomas Lewis, BA History of Art



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American and Canadian Studies

Study the development of the USA and Canada through history, politics and culture.

Core periods

  • From the late 1400's to the present day.

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Popular culture
  • Experiencing different cultures
  • Rights and justice
  • Contemporary politics

You may already be studying:

  • History, Politics, Sociology. Media Studies

American and Canadian Studies degrees



The range of modules on offer allows you to tailor the degree to your strengths and, more importantly, your interests.
Rebecca Kerrigan, BA American and Canadian Studies (Study Abroad)



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Modern Languages

Discover societies through the language in which they communicate.

Core periods

  • Medieval to the present day (dependent on chosen language)

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Investigating cultures, traditions and identities
  • Experiencing different societies
  • Studying texts, cinema and other visual culture
  • Communicating and expressing yourself

You may already be studying:

  • History, English, Media Studies, Politics, Modern Languages (but options to study any language from beginners’ level are available)

Modern Languages degrees


Studying history always interested me, but I was also keen to experience life in another country. For me studying a language was ideal as not only am I learning in depth about the history most fascinating to me, but through my year abroad I am also able to immerse myself first-hand in Russian culture.
Rachel South, BA Russian Studies (beginners’ pathway)



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Theology and Religion

How major world religions came into being, developed and continue to influence us today.

Core periods

  • Approximately the past 3000 years.

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Exploring different cultures
  • Morality and ethics
  • Debating

You may already be studying:

  • History, RE, Philosophy 

Theology and Religion degrees



The eclectic research of the department can bring you into contact with literature, history, archaeology, art history and continental philosophy so there really is something for everyone. 
Jack Murphy, BA Philosophy and Theology


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Medieval English

Explore the roots of English through language and literature

Core periods

  • From the Anglo-Saxons via the Vikings and Normans to the Tudors

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Historical fiction and film

  • Local history and names

  • Studying texts and words

  • Museums and exhibition

You may already be studying:

  • History, English, Politics, Modern Languages, Politics, Religious Studies, Geography, Classics

English degrees


QMedieval literature and language in particular fascinated me throughout first year and continues to do so as my second year modules allow me to further explore these interests.
Emily Riley, BA English



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Liberal Arts

Core periods

  • From prehistoric societies to the twenty-first century

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • A global experience to studying history
  • Developing skills across the arts, humanities and social sciences
  • Studying objects, places, landscapes and environments

You may already be studying:

  • History, Geography, Politics, Psychology, Biology and many other subjects

Liberal Arts degrees



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Investigate the history and power of music in culture and communication.

Core periods

  • From 1200's to the present

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • Exploring cultures and societies
  • Understanding communication in a range of contexts
  • Narratives of power and protest
  • Music on stage and screen

You may already be studying:

  • History, Music, Psychology, Drama

Note: A level music is usually required for all Music single and joint honours.

Music degrees

Old blue tile mosaic of portuguese fado singers

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Core periods

  • From ancient Greece to the present

You might enjoy this if you also like:

  • How ideas change and develop
  • The ability to think clearly and argue coherently
  • Exploring contemporary ideas about society

You may already be studying:

  • History, Religious Studies, Politics, Classics

Philosophy degrees

Resources by subject


Arts and Humanities Foundation Year

The foundation programme is designed for:

  • UK students whose school-leaving qualifications do not meet the admissions requirements for direct entry to our undergraduate programmes
  • mature students holding non-standard qualifications.

It equips you with the skills you need for degree-level study.

Arts and Humanities Foundation Year

Having been out of education for pretty much 10 years the Foundation year gave me a bit of a refresher and eased me in to life at the University without putting too much pressure on me.
Russell Fisher, Foundation entry 2016-17



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Picture credit: Musicology - "Old Portuguese Tiles : O Fado" by pedrosimoes7 is licensed under CC BY 2.0