India and Indonesia's Personal Data Grab - Dr Jacqueline Hicks (University of Nottingham)

b7, The Hemsley, University Park
Thursday 16th May 2019 (16:00-18:00)

The University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute is delighted to be inviting Dr Jacqueline Hicks (University of Nottingham) to deliver a talk entitled 'India and Indonesia's Personal Data Grab' for this instalment of the Spring programme of the UoNARI seminar series. A short overview of the talk from Jacqueline follows:

"We hear a lot about Big Tech firms like Google, Facebook and Amazon profiting from our personal data at the expense of our privacy. Is the discourse the same in India and Indonesia? Do their governments have the same policies towards Big Tech as in Europe, or are they more like the US or even China? As nation-states and regional blocks increasingly regulate personal data for security-surveillance and economic reasons, I look at how these two emerging economies with massive digitally connected populations are asserting ownership over domestically produced personal data." - Dr Jacqueline Hicks



Asia Research Institute

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 828 3087