Round Table Conference Geographies: Constituting Colonial India in Interwar London

Friday 11th December 2020 (13:00-14:00)

We are delighted to be hosting our final event of the Autumn semester of 2020/21, inviting the University of Nottingham's own Professor Stephen Legg to discuss his book proposal, ‘Round Table
Conference Geographies: Constituting Colonial India in Interwar London’
. This will take place on Friday 11th December, from 1-2pm - and is free to attend for all University of Nottingham staff, students and associates - as well as University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute members. To attend, please email Saul Crombie.

Steve will use this event as a first opportunity to discuss the proposal which he has put together based on a drafted manuscript, resulting from a 2015-20 AHRC project looking at interwar international conferences. He will open with a short introduction to that work and some of the websites it has produced, before opening up for a discussion of the book proposal, and the process by which he has approached writing about a constitution-drafting conference as an historical geographer. He has drafted the introduction and would be happy to share it, so if you are interested, please feel free to email him.


You can read more on this topic using the following links:

Asia Research Institute

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 828 3087