Asia Research Institute

Belt and Road Workshop

This main aim of this workshop was to identify colleagues at the UK, Ningbo and Malaysian campuses who are interested in working together under the theme of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Four colleagues joined from the Ningbo campus, one colleague from the Malaysian campus, and five colleagues from the UK campus, as well as two PhD student attendees. From the perspective of impact work, the Head of Asia-Pacific Program, Chatham House, Dr. Champa Patel also attended the workshop.

The workshop was divided into four panel discussions:

  1. The Geopolitical Implication
  2. Cultural and Historical Implication
  3. Infrastructural and Environmental Implication
  4. Regional and Global Financial Implication

During the discussions, interdisciplinary links were noted between Panel I and Panel II and Panel II and Panel IV.

The next steps include co-authoring papers and securing external funding for the continuity of tri-campus research work on the subject.

Posted on Sunday 1st September 2019

Asia Research Institute

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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