Asia Research Institute

Dr Andreas Fulda comments on people power in Hong Kong on France 24, BBC Radio 5 and Al Jazeera


Dr Andreas Fulda on France 24

Dr Andreas Fulda has provided further commentary on Hong Kong's popular uprising for France 24, BBC Radio 5Live and Al Jazeera. On Sunday 16 June the world witnessed a historic mass rally involving 2 million protesters, which amounts to about a third of the city's population of 7 million residents. 

On Monday, 17 June Andreas joined France 24 flagship programme 'The Debate', discussing "People power: What next for #HongKong after Beijing climbdown?" with Joanna Wong, Jean-Francois Di Meglio and Jasper Becker.

He was also interviewed on the Emma Barnett Show on BBC Radio 5Live, 17 June 2019. We are delighted to point out that BBC host Emma Barnett is not only a University of Nottingham alumni but graduated with a degree in History and Politics in 2006! Andreas appears at around 2mins 15sec into this clip.

Over the weekend Andreas also discussed the significance of the protest movement for political development in Hong Kong and Taiwan on Al Jazeera's Newshour.


Posted on Friday 21st June 2019

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