Asia Research Institute

Will the Chinese Communist Party order a violent crackdown in Hong Kong? - Dr Andreas Fulda's ongoing commentary for The Guardian, The Independent, Bloomberg, Japan Times, NZZ am Sonntag and Foreign Policy

With the popular uprising in Hong Kong entering its eleventh week Andreas has continued to provide commentary to global media outlets.

Andreas has been quoted in The Guardian, The Independent, Bloomberg, Japan Times, NZZ am Sonntag and Foreign Policy.

At the heart of journalists' inquiries has been the question how likely it is that the Chinese party-state will order a violent crackdown in Hong Kong.  

The Guardian and The Independent

“The PLA comments are part of psychological warfare against Hong Kongers,” said Andreas Fulda, a China researcher at the University of Nottingham, adding that he believed it to be highly unlikely the Chinese army would intervene to avoid “a protracted urban armed conflict”.

“Any military deployment in Hong Kong will also lead to internal disagreements within the Chinese Communist Party,” he said, adding that the city is an important financial hub for the party.

The Guardian - Hong Kong protests: China releases dramatic army propaganda video

Chinese military says Hong Kong unrest ‘will not be tolerated’ as video shows off army’s ‘anti-riot’ gear 

Bloomberg and Japan Times

"By the end of British colonial rule, policing had become fairly community-based and cooperative, rather than confrontational," said Andreas Fulda, an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham and author of "The Struggle for Democracy in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong". 

Recent years have seen a "move away from restrained British colonial policing strategies aimed at de-escalation and toward a swift politicization and militarization of the Hong Kong Kong Police Force," he said. 

What Hong Kong’s 1960s Chaos Could Teach City’s Besieged Leaders 

Hong Kong's 1960s chaos holds lessons for city's besieged leaders now

NZZ am Sonntag

Andreas also gave a full-page interview on the situation in Hong Kong for NZZ am Sonntag, Switzerland's leading newspaper. Andreas argued that "Xi is dreaming of a Greater China. But such colonial projects always end in war. Hong Kong and Taiwan are lost for the CCP". The German-language interview can be accessed by following the link below: 

'Xi Jinping is a Nationalist, and in my eyes, also a Militarist'

Foreign Policy

Last but not least, Andreas' recent article on the Chinese party-state'es weaponization of nationalism against Hong Kongers has been quoted by Foreign Policy.  

“There is mounting evidence,” the author Andreas Fulda reports, “that Hong Kong’s popular uprising has prompted the Chinese Communist Party to unleash the demons of ethnonationalist violence. Hong Kongers are increasingly seen by the center as just another restive minority—and thus potentially subject to the hard-line policy deployed in Xinjiang and Tibet.” 

Will Hong Kong Flare Up or Flare Out?

Posted on Thursday 22nd August 2019

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