Asia Research Institute

Civil service management in developing countries – Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling

Jan Meyer-Sahling has recently travelled to Nepal and Bangladesh to present the findings of a project funded by DFID and the British Academy on 'civil service management in developing countries: what works’. The project conducted employee surveys in ten countries in four developing regions, including South Asia. The surveys generated 23.000 responses – the largest cross-country survey that has ever been conducted. 

In Nepal and Bangladesh, the surveys were implemented in collaboration with the Universities of Tribhuvan and Dhaka respectively. During the stay in Kathmandu, the country report was presented to the Public Service Commission, the Ministry of General Administration and the Inland Revenue Department. 

In Dhaka, Meyer-Sahling and his colleagues presented at the Governance and Innovation Unit of the Prime Minister’s Office and at the National Press Club. The latter presentation included a panel with the Minister of Planning of the Government of Bangladesh, MP Abdul Mannan,the former Principal Secretary of the Cabinet Division and the former Head of the Central Bank of Bangladesh. The event was attended by more than 100 participants from the civil service, universities, the media and civil society. A report of the event was published by Dhaka Tribune on its web site and the next day on the front page of the print edition.



Posted on Wednesday 6th March 2019

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