Asia Research Institute

Tiananmen Square 30th Anniversary - Andreas Fulda interviews

On the 30th anniversary of the crackdown on mainland China's nationwide anti-corruption and pro-democracy movement (4th June 1989), Dr Andreas Fulda was invited to join two TV shows to discuss the implications of 'Tiananmen 1989' for China today - 'Inside Story' by Al Jazeera and 'Roundtable' by TRT World.

Both interviews are available on YouTube, with links provided below. Andreas has also created Twitter threads for each appearance, summarising his comments.

Watch: Al Jazeera Inside Story | What is the legacy of the Tiananmen Square massacre? / Twitter thread.

Watch: TRT World Roundtable | China: What’s changed since Tiananmen / Twitter thread.



Posted on Wednesday 5th June 2019

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