Colonel B D SHAW Centenary Celebrations  

The B D SHAW Demonstration Lecture Medal


'For Maintaining the Tradition of the Demonstration Lecture'
 The Shaw Medal and Lecture were endowed by the University of Nottingham in 1988 in recognition of the enormous contribution that Col. Brian Shaw has made to scientific demonstration lectures. The medal is awarded regularly and was presented this year to  Dr. Ann F Hubbard, the first time that a school teacher had won the Medal.
Previous Recipients of the Shaw Medal
1988 Col. B.D. Shaw 
University of Nottingham 
1989 Mr. W. Coates 
The Royal Institution, London 
1991 Mr A.J.S. Williams 
University of Wales, Aberystwyth 
1992 Dr. T.F. Palmer 
University of Nottingham 
1996 Dr. David Jones 
Univerity of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 
1998 Dr. Ann Hubbard 
Reigate College 

SHAW MEDAL Winner 1998

Dr Ann F Hubbard

Head of Chemistry, Reigate College

Dr Hubbard began her distinguished career by graduating in chemistry with Honours from UMIST.  She remained at UMIST to gain her PhD for work with Professor R N Haszeldine into aspects of organosilicon chemistry.  There followed a period as a research chemist at Beecham Pharmaceuticals; work which resulted in Dr Hubbard holding three British Patents relating to novel antibiotics.  However, her true vocation was beckoning and in 1974 Dr Hubbard took up her first post as a chemistry teacher.  It is in this area where she is now recognised as one of Britain's leading educators with an outstanding ability to communicate the excitement and interest which she feels for her subject.

In 1994 Dr Huhbard was the winner of the inaugural Salters' Prize for the Teaching of Chemistry.  The philosophy of that prize neatly encapsulates her special skills; "the judges were looking for teachers who demonstrated outstanding ability to teach chemistry successfully, to inspire and motivate not only pupils but also parents and fellow teachers, and to show a personal enthusiasm for the subject and embrace a lively and innovative approach." Prior to the Salters' Prize, in 1991 Dr Hubbard had received the 150th Anniversary Royal Society of Chemistry Award for Chemical Education.  She has been a member of the Royal Society Committee for Education in Science and Mathematics.  Currently she is a Public Lecturer for the Royal Society of Chemistry and is a member of its Education and Qualification Board and on the editorial board of Education in Chemistry.  In addition, she has been awarded Honorary life membership of the Society of Chemical Industry.

Now Head of Chemistry at Reigate College, Dr Hubbard's demonstration lecture "To planet Earth, with love from chemistry" is a distillation of her ideas and enthusiasm for communicating her subject to the widest audience.  Sponsored by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, this spectacular lecture has now been made into a video and many thousands of copies have been distributed to schools.  Her philosophy towards the communication of chemistry precisely coincides with that of Col. Brian Shaw's.  Dr Hubbard is a most worthy recipient of the Shaw Medal from the University of Nottingham in the year which marks Brian Shaw's 100th Birthday.


Vice Chancellor Sir Colin Campbell presents the 1998 Shaw Medal to Dr. Ann Hubard

- B D SHAW introduction page
- Department of Chemistry
- The University of Nottingham Web Site