Nottingham University Business School
Institute of Mental health building

Centre for Research in the Behavioural Sciences

The Centre for Research in the Behavioural Sciences (CRIBS) at Nottingham University Business School is an interdisciplinary forum to promote research in behavioural science and business. 

We integrate research by experts in different areas of economics, management and finance to improve understanding of business though behavioural insights. CRIBS connects researchers who share an interest in understanding human behaviour and decision-making using theories and methods from management, economics, and psychology.

Behavioural Science is making important contributions to many of the challenges faced by business and government.  Science first alerted us to the dangers of climate change. However a key issue is to alter people’s behaviour. Here behavioural science can make important contributions. Likewise the debate on artificial intelligence has to a large extent been driven by the technology. However the changes it will make to our lives depend on the way people react to it. This is an issue which behavioural science can help us to understand.

CRIBS conducts experimental and theoretical research on behavioural issues for business. We cooperate closely with CEDEX the corresponding centre in the School of Economics. We have an experimental laboratory in the Si Yaun building. This can be linked to the CEDEX laboratory creating the largest business laboratory in the UK. These facilities are available to external researchers from academia and business.

The Centre draws its expertise from staff in different disciplines at Nottingham's three campuses in the UK, China and Malaysia. We also have a strong network of international collaborators in Australia, Canada, Germany, Switzerland and the United States.

This international reach provides us with rich opportunities to study business phenomena and collect data in different cultural contexts and to reach different business and academic communities. 

We seek links with other (established or aspiring) researchers and with private and public sector organisations. 

Centre for Research in the Behavioural Sciences Atrium

Our goal is to collaborate with scholars, prospective research students, practitioners and policy makers to develop behavioural business research, to share and apply our findings, and to inform public policy and management practice.



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Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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