Nottingham University Business School


Can We Make Tourism Sustainable? Professor Marina Novelli speaks on the panel at VivaTech Paris 2024

Marina Novelli VivaTech 2024

The panel with Ivan Gladstone, Alexandra Dublanche, Marina and Zina Bencheikh

Professor of Marketing & Tourism and Director of the Sustainable Travel and Tourism Advanced Research Centre (STTAR-C), Marina Novelli, was invited to contribute to the panel ‘Can We Make Tourism Sustainable’ at VivaTech in Paris on Friday 24 May 2024.

What is VivaTech?

VivaTech is Europe’s largest startup and tech event, attracting over 150,000 participants, including innovators, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders.

In the session - moderated by Ivan Gladstone, Associate Partner at McKensey & Company - Marina was joined by panellists Alexandra Dublanche, Chairwoman, Chose Paris Region and Zina Bencheikh, Managing Director, EMEA Intrepid, during which they discussed the challenges and opportunities in creating a sustainable future for travel and tourism.

Marina said:

It was incredibly inspiring to attend VivaTech and learn about what is happening in the tech world. These days we hear about the impact of AI, Open Innovation, and a lot more that is happening in the tech world, but often get overwhelmed by what exactly this will mean for tourism. To attend this event enabled me to learn about cutting edge innovations taking place globally and identify several possible new lines of research and collaborations. I am delighted I was given the opportunity to discuss sustainable tourism at such an important event and discuss some critical issues associated with the sector.

Watch the full 'Can We Make Tourism Sustainable' Panel discussion.


Posted on Friday 31st May 2024




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