Nottingham University Business School


Complete our questionnaire to help academics gain insight into the adoption of AI in industry

As researchers and academics in artificial intelligence (AI), it is crucial to stay connected with industry and understand real-world challenges and needs. Nottingham University Business School Artificial Intelligence (AI) Cluster has developed a comprehensive questionnaire to help us understand the current state of AI adoption and the specific requirements of businesses.

The significance of the AI questionnaire

The AI questionnaire is designed to gather valuable insights from industry professionals and business owners. By taking part in this survey, respondents can contribute to shaping the future direction of AI research and knowledge exchange within the AI Cluster. The collected data will inform the development of research, collaborations, and initiatives that directly address the needs of the business community.

Key areas of inquiry

The questionnaire covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Business overview: Respondents are asked to provide details about their business, such as industry sector, annual turnover, and employee count. This information helps contextualise the responses and identify potential patterns or trends across different business segments

  • AI adoption and plans: The survey asks about the current use of AI in businesses and plans for AI implementation. This data will shed light on the current state of AI adoption and the potential growth areas for AI applications

  • Investment in knowledge and professional development: Questions related to spending on knowledge acquisition, professional development, and upskilling will provide insights into the industry’s commitment to staying up to date with emerging technologies and building relevant expertise

  • Client base and projected turnover: Understanding the client base (concentrated or dispersed) and projected annual turnover helps researchers anticipate the potential impact of AI solutions and tailor their research efforts accordingly

  • Research and development investment: Gathering information about businesses’ investments in research, product/service development, and innovation allows the AI Cluster to align their research priorities with industry needs

  • Areas of interest and potential impacts: Respondents are encouraged to share their specific areas of interest within AI and any potential positive impacts on the environment or society. This input will guide the AI Cluster in focusing its research efforts on relevant and impactful topics

  • Preferred modes of engagement: The survey explores businesses’ preferences for receiving information and engaging with the AI Cluster, such as briefings, research papers, infographics, podcasts, or live interactions. This feedback will shape the dissemination strategies and knowledge exchange activities of the AI Cluster

Call for participation

We encourage business owners, industry professionals, and AI and business analytics experts to complete this questionnaire – which should only take about 5 minutes. Your valuable insights will contribute to shaping the future of AI research and its practical applications within the business community.

By sharing your perspectives and needs, you will inform the AI Cluster’s research agenda and foster meaningful collaborations between academia and industry. Together, we can drive innovation, address real-world challenges, and unlock the full potential of AI for sustainable growth and societal impact.

To access the AI Questionnaire and contribute to this important initiative, please click the link or QR code below.

Adoption of AI in industry questionnaire 

 QR Code graphic with text above it which says -  An AI questionnaire which could boost your business.

Let’s join forces in advancing the frontiers of AI and shaping a future where technology and business align seamlessly for the betterment of society.

Posted on Thursday 4th July 2024




Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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