Nottingham University Business School

Dr Hannah Noke

Image of Dr Hannah Noke
BSc (Bradford), PhD (Cranfield), PGCHE (Nottingham)
Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Department: Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Centre/Institute: HGI
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8466563
Location: B38 (South Building, Jubilee Campus)

Dr Hannah Noke is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Nottingham University Business School and Deputy Director for the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Hannah's research interests cover two broad topics. The first area of research has focused on understanding the decision-making process in entrepreneurial ventures through primarily through adopting a sensemaking perspective. This has included work on how new ventures emerge, through exploring the journey of the entrepreneur, as well as the transition from idea to new venture. Much of this work stems from a keen interest in entrepreneurial organisations quest for innovation that stems back to her PhD research on how established organisations developed an innovation competency. Hannah's work has also focused on building an innovation competency in public sector organisations such as NHS and councils.

The second stream of Hannah's research is around technology entrepreneurship and more broadly knowledge exchange. The research examines how entrepreneurial competences can be developed and has focused on early career researcher, which links to Hannah's involvement in the Your Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES - as a vehicle for knowledge exchange. Through the work with YES, Hannah's research has recently extended to understand the role of technicians in knowledge exchange. This research now will form part of an exciting new Institute that seeking to provide greater recognition and support for technicians in HE (ITSS -



Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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