Journal article | 2024 | Rickly, J.; Canavan, B. (2024)., "The emergence of authenticity: Phases of tourist experience" Annals of Tourism Research
Journal article | 2024 | David A. Fennell a , Carol Klineb , Mucha Mkono c , Bryan S. R. Grimwood d , Valerie A. Sheppard e , Katherine Dashperf , Jillian Rickly g , Georgette Leah Burnsh , Giovanna Bertella i , Erica von Essenj , José-Carlos GarcÃa-Rosell k , Yulei Guo l , Hin H (2024)., "Tourism, animals & the vacant niche: a scoping review and pedagogical agenda" Current Issues in Tourism
Journal article | 2024 | Clouser, R., Rickly, J. (2024)., "Going the distance: Endurance philanthropy, spectacle, and development in Central America" Tourism Geographies, forthcoming
Journal article | 2023 | Rickly, J.; Sharma, N., Canavan, B. (2023)., "Authenticity: the state-of-the-art in tourism geographies" Tourism Geographies
Journal article | 2023 | Johnson, A.G.; McCabe, S.; Rickly, J.M. (2023)., "Suppliers' perceptions on engaging in smart destinations: Evidence from Ljubljana" Tourism Management Perspectives, forthcoming
Journal article | 2022 | Rickly, J.M.; Halpern, N., Hansen, M., Welsman, J. (2022)., "Traveling with a guide dog: Confidence, constraints and affective qualities of the human-guide dog relationship" Tourism Management
Journal article | 2022 | Rickly, J.M. (2022)., "A review of authenticity research in tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on Authenticity" Annals of Tourism Research
Journal article | 2021 | Yang, Y. Zhang, C. & Rickly, J. (2021)., "A review of early COVID-19 research in tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research?s Curated Collection on coronavirus and tourism" Annals of Tourism Research, forthcoming
Journal article | 2021 | Rickly, J.M.; Vidon, E.S.; Knudsen, D.C. (2021)., "Irreconcilable differences: Divorcing ethics from existential authenticity" Annals of Tourism Research
Journal article | 2021 | Halpern, N.; Rickly, J.M.; Hansen, M.; Fellenor, J. (2021)., "COVID-19 and vision impairment: Constraints negotiation, participation, and well-being during lockdown in the United Kingdom" British Journal of Visual Impairment
Journal article | 2021 | Ingram, C.; Themistocleous, C.; Rickly, J. M.; McCabe, S. (2021)., "Marketing 'Literary England' Beyond the Special Interest Tourist" Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, Vol. 2(2)
Journal article | 2021 | Zhang, C.X., Wang, L., & Rickly, M.J. (2021)., "Non-Interaction and identity change through Covid-19 tourism" Annals of Tourism Research, forthcoming
Journal article | 2021 | Rickly, J.M.; Halpern, N.; Hansen, M.; Welsman, J. (2021)., "Travelling with a Guide Dog: Experiences of People with Vision Impairment" Sustainability, Vol. 13, 5
Journal article | 2021 | Johnson, A.-G.; Rickly, J.M.; McCabe, S. (2021)., "Smartmentality in Ljubljana" Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 86, 103094
Report for external body | 2020 | Rickly, J.M.; Halpern, N.; Hansen, M.; McCabe, S.; Fellenor, J. (2020)., "Covid-19: The effects of isolation and social distancing on people with vision impairment", in
Report for external body | 2020 | Rickly, J.M.; Halpern, N.; McCabe, S., Hansen, M. (2020)., "Guide Dogs on Holiday: Guide dog owner experiences in the travel and tourism sector", in
Journal article | 2020 | Varley, P.J.: Schilar, H.; Rickly, J.M. (2020)., "Tourism non-places: Bending airports and wildscapes" Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 80, forthcoming
Conference Contribution/ Proceedings | 2019 | Ingram, C.; Themistocleous, C.; Rickly, J.; McCabe, S. (2019)., "Literary England: A Tourism Destination for the US Traveller", at Euromed Academy of Business, Conference Book of Proceedings 2019
Conference Contribution/ Proceedings | 2019 | Themistocleous, C.; Ingram, C.; Jillian, R.; McCabe, S. (2019)., "Marketing Literary England to the US Traveller", at Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference
Journal article (Editorial) | 2019 | Sharma, N.; Rickly, J.M. (2019)., "The smell of life and the smell of death':authenticity, anxietyand perceptions of death at Varanasi's cremation grounds" Journal of Heritage Tourism
Journal article (Short Research Note) | 2018 | Rickly, J.; Clouser, R. (2018)., "Spectacle and adventure philanthropy" Annals of Tourism Research, forthcoming
Journal article | 2018 | Vidon, E.S.; Rickly, J.R.; Knudsen, D.C. (2018)., "Wilderness state of mind: Expanding authenticity" Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 73, 62-70
Journal article (Editorial) | 2018 | Rickly, J. (2018)., "Tourism geographies and the place of authenticity" Tourism Geographies, Vol. 20 (4), pp. 733-736
Journal article | 2018 | Vidon, E; Rickly, J. (2018)., "Alienation and anxiety in tourism motivation" Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 69, pp. 65-75
Journal article (Short Research Note) | 2018 | Rickly, J (2018)., "Considering service animals in tourism" Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 71, pp. 57-58