Journal article | 2025 | Zhou, P; Zhang, J; Jiang, K. (2025)., "Technological Disruption and Patent Activities: Adoption of Robots by Chinese Manufacturing Firms" R and D Management, Vol. 55(2), 303-325, forthcoming
Journal article | 2023 | Wu, S.; Zhang, J.; Elliott, R.J.R. (2023)., "Green Securities Policy and the Environmental Performance of Firms: Assessing the Impact of China's Pre-IPO Environmental Inspection Policy" Ecological Economics, Vol. 209, 107836
Journal article | 2021 | Zhang, J.; Appleton, S.; Song, L.; Liu, B. (2021)., "Who Looks after the Kids? The Effects of Childcare Choice on Early Childhood Development in China" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 83(3), 619-640
Journal article (Editorial) | 2020 | Fu, X.; Zhang, J.; and Wang, L. (2020)., "Introduction to the special section: the impact of Covid-19 and post-pandemic recovery: China and the world economy" Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies, Vol. 18(4)
Edited book | 2017 | Zhang, J.; Chen, J. (2017)., ed China in the New Normal Economy, (15(1)), Routledge
Journal article | 2017 | Zhang, J; Chen, J. (2017)., "Introduction to China's New Normal Economy" Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies, Vol. 15 (1), pp. 1-4
Chapter in book | 2016 | Jing Zhang (2016)., "Striking a Balance between Environmental Protection and Rapid Development", in Steve Tsang and Honghua Men ed China in the Xi Jinping Era, 151-186, Palgrave Macmillan
Journal article | 2016 | YAO, S.; WANG, P.; ZHANG, J.; and OU, J. (2016)., "Dynamic relationship between China's inward and outward foreign direct investments" China Economic Review, Vol. 40, 54-70
Chapter in book | 2015 | Zhang, J; Zhang, X. (2015)., "Exports and FDI in China", in Morrissey, O.; Lopez, R. A.; and Sharma, K. ed Handbook on Trade and Development, 398-407, Edward Elgar
Authored book | 2014 | Zhang, J. (2014)., Foreign Direct Investment, Governance, and the Environment in China: Regional Dimensions, Palgrave MacMillan