Nottingham University Business School
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Professor Kim Tan

Image of Professor Kim Tan
BEng (UTM), MSc (university of linkoping), PhD (University of Cambridge), PGCHE (full 60 credits) (Nottingham), SFHEA (Higher Education Academy)
Professor of Operations and Innovation Management

Department: Operations Management and Information Systems
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8467749
Location: C06 (Si Yuan Building, Jubilee Campus)

Dr. Kim Hua Tan is a Professor in Operations and Innovation Management. Prior to this, he was a researcher and teaching assistant at Centre for Strategy and Performance, University of Cambridge. Professor Tan spent many years in industry, before joining academia in 1999. His current research interests are lean management, operations strategy, decision making, and supply chain risk management. Professor Tan has published a book called 'Winning Decisions: Translating Business Strategy into Action Plans,' and numerous articles in academic journals such as Decision Sciences, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Innovation Management, and others


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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I am the module convenor for the following modules:

Kim is module convenor of the following module(s):


Operations Strategy (BUSI3151)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

[Current Research Activities]: "Harvesting Big Data for Innovation: An Analytics Infrastructure for Managing Supply Chain Competence Sets", funded by SPARK Fund. - "Exploring Quality Risk in the Food Supply Chain: strategic insights from horsemeat scandals" funded by Charted Institute of Logistic Transport (CILT) (with Dr. Tse, York University) - Food supply chain integrity - Lean management - The Application of Management Simulation and Gaming in Classroom Teaching - Operations strategy implementation - Decision visibility and Rapid Decision Modelling - Supply Chain Innovation
- [Previous Projects]: "The unintended effects of environment regulation and performance measurement" funded by Tsinghua/Nottingham Research and Teaching Fund - Lean Management LeanEA ""Production and Profitability improvement in Serbia Enterprises by adopting Lean Thinking Philosophy and strengthening Enterprise Academia connections" (funded by Tempus EU) - "The Unintended and Indirect Effects of Performance Measurement and Regulation on UK Productivity: A Multidisciplinary Overview - Closing the Gap" (with Leeds, Exeter, Loughborough, and Essex Universities), EPSRC (IdeaFactory) - "Interactive Games for Problem-Based Learning in Operations Management" funded by Centre for Integrative Learning - "Operations Improvement using Lean Six Sigma" Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project with Fluorocarbon Bakeware Systems Limited. Funded by DTI - "Supply chain development at different organisational growth stages between UK & Japanese enterprises". Funded by The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (with Waseda Univesity, and Huddersfield University) - Tool for Action Plan Selection (TAPS) - Strategic Investment Decisions: A Resource Allocation and Analysis Tool (SIRAT) - Strategic Decision Modeling : A Framework and Tool - A Predictive Performance Measurement System - Strategy Visualisation: Knowing, Understanding, and Formulating - Exploring Strategies Of Distribution Networks In An Emerging Market - Promoting the use of quality practices in the manufacturing industry in Malaysia: Initiatives, barriers and solutions

Kim is currently collaborating on the following projects:

  • KTP with Kingsmill Industries (mKTP)

Kim is currently supervising the following Research Students:

Anggriani Profita
Haoyu Liu
Muhammad Rijal Ramdani
Suppharutchaya Chongutsah
Yaseen Kamosh
School and University Committee Memberships
Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee (Formerly RD) 2019
Study Leave Committee 2019


Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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