Nottingham University Business School

Dr Lara Bianchi

Image of Dr Lara Bianchi
Ph.D. (Scuola Superiore SantAnna Pisa), Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (Higher Education Academy)
Associate Professor in Business and Society

Department: Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Centre/Institute: ICCSR
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8466135
Location: C78 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)

Lara is a Business & Society scholar with a specific interest in Stakeholder Engagement, and Business & Human Rights.

Lara has recently completed a Research England Quality-related Research Policy Funding on the role of policymakers in human rights remedy for agricultural workers in the UK.
In the past three years, she acted as the Principal Investigator for a UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund and an ESRC Impact Accelerator Account projects on women's agency in conflict-affected societies.
In 2022, she was awarded a Rising Star Public Engagement Award by the Institute for Policy and Engagement of the University of Nottingham.

Prior to joining Nottingham, she worked as the Programme Lead for the Business and Human Rights Catalyst at the Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester. There she collaborated with the UN Human Rights, drafting the scoping report of the OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project Phase III - "Non-State based non-judicial grievance mechanisms: an exploratory analysis".

During her doctoral programme, she was seconded to the II Committee of the 66th United Nations General Assembly in preparation for the Rio+20 Conference, where UN Member States launched the drafting process of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Areas of Expertise
Stakeholder Engagement; Business and Human Rights; Marginalized Stakeholders; Dialogism; Responsible Business Conduct



Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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