Nottingham University Business School
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Dr Lee Matthews

Image of Dr Lee Matthews
PhD (University of Manchester)
Associate Professor in Environmental Sustainability/Environmental Justice

Department: Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Centre/Institute: ICCSR
Tel: +44 (0) 115 9515117
Location: C42 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)

Lee is a lecturer and researcher in the field of Business and Society. He has published in this area in journals such as Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM), Production and Operations Management (POM), Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (SCMIJ) and Organization. Please see 'Publications' section for select list of publications.

Areas of Expertise
Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Justice, Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainable Sourcing.


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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Lee is currently teaching on the following modules:

Business Ethics and Sustainability (BUSI3182)

Business, Human Rights and Sustainable Development (BUSI2044)

Managing for Sustainability (BUSI4563)

Topics in Business and Society (BUSI5021)

Lee is module convenor of the following module(s):


Business Ethics and Sustainability (BUSI3182)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

Lee's main area of research is Environmental Sustainability, with a focus on environmental justice, biodiversity conservation and sustainable sourcing.

Ongoing projects include: Biodiversity, Environmental Justice and Business Ethics; Environmental Justice and Sustainable Sourcing; Climate Justice and Corporate Sourcing Strategies.

Lee is currently supervising the following Research Students:

Adaeze Nwaka
Runlong Liu
School Administrative Roles
Deputy Director of BSc Management

School and University Committee Memberships
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 2023 NUBS Disability Officer


Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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