Nottingham University Business School
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Dr Sahattaya (Pai) Achtzehn

B.Sc Accounting (Thammasat University), MSc in Marketing Management (Thammasat University), MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (The University of Warwick), PhD in Business and Management (University of Nottingham), Fellow of the HEA (The Higher Education Academy) (Higher Education Academy)
Assistant Professor in Inclusive Entrepreneurship and/or Sustainable Innovation (Teaching & Learning)

Department: Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Centre/Institute: HGI
Tel: +44 (0) 115 Contactable via Teams
Location: B41 (South Building, Jubilee Campus)

Sahattaya, FHEA, holds a PhD from Nottingham University Business School with a research focus on entrepreneurship education, gender and commercialisation in the STEM sectors. Sahattaya has 5 years of experience as a business development manager in fast-growing IT firms and as a research project manager in SMEs policy consultancy. Sahattaya received the Vice Chancellor's Scholarship for Research Excellence during her PhD and earned a best paper award in enterprise education track at the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference in 2021.

Areas of Expertise
Teaching and Research in Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Management Strategy.


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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Sahattaya is module convenor of the following module(s):


(MSc) Entrepreneurship Business Plan (BUSI4557)
Entrepreneurship Project (BUSI4632)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham



Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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