BA (Hons) (Allameh Tabataba'i University), MA (Shiraz University), PhD (Loughborough University), FHEA (Nottingham Recognition Scheme), MCIPD (CIPD), Senior Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the HEA) (Nottingham Recognition Scheme)
Assistant Professor in HRM/OB
Department: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource ManagementE-mail: +44 (0) 115 8466619
Location: C10 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)
Sara has extensive leadership experience in industry. Her prior career was that of an entrepreneur in the field of higher education provision. In her position of founder and managing director of a college she gained tremendous knowledge and experience, being responsible for 2000 students (internal and external) and developed 75 members of staff. As a former business practitioner, she brings authenticity, creativity and an awareness of a wide range of educational practices in HE.
Sara is an enthusiastic teacher with more than 25 years of experience - she proactively and continuously seeks innovative and cutting-edge methods to engage the students, promote deep learning and deliver high-quality teaching. She has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate modules, with her teaching evaluations (SET scores) having been consistently in the top 10% of all teaching staff in NUBS. Sara achieved her fellowship of Advance HE (FHEA) through the Nottingham recognition scheme and was nominated at the University Staff Oscars in 2018 in the 'Teaching: Most Inspiring' category.
Sara won a fully funded scholarship at Loughborough University Business School and completed her Ph.D. at the School of Business and Economics in 2018. Her research examined knowledge processes within the cross-boundary collaboration of the large bureaucratic organisations and small/medium sized firms in the video games industry.
Sara is an Academic Member of The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and she regularly trains executives in the Middle East, advancing their knowledge and understanding of Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management.