Nottingham University Business School
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Dr Carol Zhang

Image of Dr Carol Zhang
MSc (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), PhD (University of Surrey)
Associate Professor in Tourism Marketing and Management

Department: Marketing
Tel: +44 (0) 115 74 87474
Location: B34b (North Building, Jubilee Campus)

Carol is Associate Professor in Tourism Marketing. Prior to this post, I was Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Portsmouth Business School and was Teaching Assistant at University of Surrey. My research primarily focuses on social-political changes, with interests in examining how those changes impacts on social and self-identities in the context of international tourism. My specific research interests are:
National/social identity and tourism marketing
Social-political aspect of tourism
Culture tourism marketing and management
Confucianism and tourism in China
Cultural festivals and events
Tourists behaviour
Impacts of social categorisation: e.g., gender identity, minorities etc
Research methodology and epistemology
I am a dedicated and enthusiastic researcher, constantly pursuing high quality research. I have published in journal such as Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management and International Journal of Hospitality Management. I have applied different research methodological approaches into my research, including critical discourse analysis, semiotic analysis, hermeneutic phenomenology, mixed method and survey design. I have delivered many talks in international conferences. I am a passionate teacher, having taught research methods, consumer behaviour and tourism management classes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Prior to joining Higher Education, I worked at different tourism and hospitality companies in Macau, the Netherlands and West Samoa. For me, tourism is not only my research interests but also my passion.
I am always looking for curious and dedicated researchers to work with.
I welcome passionate and dedicated PhD students to work with.
I am excited about partnering with organisations to explore the application of my research.


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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Carol is module convenor of the following module(s):


Managing and Marketing Tourism (BUSI2019)


International Tourism Management (BUSI4574)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

Carol is currently supervising the following Research Students:

Fenfen Jiang
School Administrative Roles
Director of MSc International Tourism

School and University Committee Memberships
Athena SWAN Working Group 2023


Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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