Journal article | 2025 | Warren, T; Hyltoft, L. (2025)., "Global work-life balance trailblazing: how to lead the world in work-life balance, with insights from Denmark." International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 45(3/4), pp. 331-345
Journal article | 2025 | Warren, T; Torres, L; Lyonette, C; Tarlo, R (2025)., "Class, gender and the work of working-class women amid turbulent times." British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 76(1), pp.96-113
Journal article | 2024 | Beck, V.; Warren, T.; Lyonette, C. (2024)., "Is any job better than no job? Utilising Jahoda's latent deprivation theory to reconceptualise underemployment" Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 0(0)
Journal article | 2022 | Warren, T. (2022)., "Work-time, male-breadwinning and the division of domestic labour: male part-time and full-time workers in unsettled times" Sociology, Vol. 56/1, 72-96
Report for external body | 2021 | Warren, T., Lyonette, C. and the UK Women's Budget Group (2021)., "Carrying the work burden of the Covid-19 pandemic: working class women in the UK", in
Report for external body | 2021 | Torres, L., Warren, T. & Veeken, A. (2021)., "Interactive R tool to visualize the impact of COVID-19 on the risk of precarious work from a gender, ethnicity, and class perspective", Health Data Research UK
Report for external body | 2021 | Torres, L., Warren, T. & Veeken, A. (2021)., "Integrative R Dashboard with visualizations to understand the impact of COVID-19 on women and men's working lives", Health Data Research UK
Report for external body | 2021 | Torres, L., Warren, T. & Veeken, A. (2021)., "Interactive R tool to visualize the impact of COVID-19 on self-employment from a gender and ethnicity perspective", Health Data Research UK
Report for external body | 2021 | Torres, L., Warren, T. & Veeken, A. (2021)., "Interactive R tool to visualize the impact of COVID-19 on unemployment and job loss from a gender, ethnicity, and class perspective", Health Data Research UK
Journal article | 2021 | Warren, T. (2021)., "Work-life balance and gig work. Where are we now and where to next with the work-life balance agenda?" Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 63(4), pp. 522-545,
Chapter in book | 2020 | Beck, V.; Fuertes, V,; Kamerade, D.; Lyonette, C.; Warren, T. (2020)., "Working lives", in Martin Parker ed Life after Covid: Essays towards a Better Future, Bristol University Press
Journal article | 2020 | Warren, T.; Lyonette, C. (2020)., "Ungrateful slaves? An examination of job quality and job satisfaction for male part-time workers in the UK" British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 71/2, pp. 382-402
Chapter in book | 2019 | Warren, T. (2019)., "The secondary data analysis of large survey data: opportunities and challenges for research into the quality of working lives?", in D. Wheatley ed Handbook of Research Methods on the Quality of Working Lives, Edward Elgar
Chapter in book | 2018 | Pattison, J;Warren, T. (2018)., "How effectively are class disparities and social inequalities controlled in the UK? Working lives and living standards", in P. Dunleavy, A. Park and R. Taylor ed The UK's Changing Democracy: The 2018 Democratic Audit., London: LSE
Journal article | 2018 | Warren, T.; Lyonette, C. (2018)., "Good, bad and very bad part-time jobs for women?: re-examining the importance of occupational class for job quality since the ?great recession? in Britain" Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 33(4), 747-767
Chapter in book | 2017 | Pattison, J; Warren, T. (2017)., "Audit 2017: How effectively are class inequalities controlled in the UK?", in P. Dunleavy and R. Taylor ed The 2017 Audit of UK Democracy., London: LSE
Chapter in book | 2017 | Warren, T. (2017)., "Work-life balance, time and money: identifying the work-life balance priorities of working class workers", in Sarah De Groof ed the Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations, Kluwer Law International
Chapter in book | 2016 | Warren, T. (2016)., "Work and social theory", in S. Edgell, H. Gottfried and E. Granter ed Handbook for the Sociology of Work and Employment, London: Sage.
Chapter in book | 2016 | Warren, T. (2016)., "Work-life balance and class: in search of working class work-lives", in S. Lewis et al ed Work-Life Balance in Times of Austerity and Beyond: Meeting the needs of Employees, Organizations and Social Justice, 112-130, London: Routledge
Authored book | 2015 | Strangleman, T; Warren, T. (2015)., Work and Society: Sociological, Approaches, Theories and Methods
Chapter in book | 2015 | Warren, T; Lyonette C. (2015)., "The quality of part-time work in Britain", in F, Green, A, Felstead and D. Gallie ed Unequal Britain at Work: The Evolution and Distribution of Intrinsic Job Quality in Britain, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Journal article | 2015 | Warren, T. (2015)., "Work-life balance/imbalance: the dominance of the middle class and the neglect of the working class." British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 66(4), 691-717
Journal article | 2015 | Warren, T. (2015)., "Work-time underemployment and financial hardship: class inequalities and recession in the UK." Work, Employment and Society, Vol. 29(2), 191-212
Chapter in book | 2014 | Warren, T. (2014)., "Economic crisis, work life balance and class.", in Kevin Farnsworth, Zoë Irving, and Menno Fenger ed Social Policy Review 26: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2014, (26(1)), 11-28, Policy Press