Nottingham University Business School
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Professor Stephen Timmons

BA (Cambridge), MA (York), MSc (Glasgow ), PhD (Anglia Ruskin), PGCAP (Nottingham)
Professor of Health Services Management

Department: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
Centres/Institutes: CHILL, CRG, WEORG
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8466635
Location: C04 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)

I read Social and Political Sciences at Queens' College, University of Cambridge, and then went to the University of York to do an M.A. in the Sociology of Contemporary Culture. I worked in several parts of the NHS, and then went to the University of Glasgow to do an M.Sc. in Health Informatics. After that, I worked at Anglia Ruskin University, where I did my PhD, and in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham. I joined NUBS in September 2014.


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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I co-convene Designing Management Research:Philosophy and Practice

Stephen is module convenor of the following module(s):


Designing Doctoral Research - Philosophy & Practice (BUSI5016)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

Innovation in health care, particularly new technology and new ways of working - Implementation Science - Sociology of technology - Sociology of professions

Stephen is currently collaborating on the following projects:

  • Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (NEuRoMS)
  • ROWTATE - Multicentre Research Programme to Enhance Return to Work after^^^Trauma (ROWTATE)
  • Elizabeth Dodds Studentship: Effective Implementation of the ICU Liberation Bundle into a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Setting: A Mixed Methods Study
  • Copy of Elizabeth Dodds Studentship: Effective Implementation of the ICU Liberation Bundle into a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Setting: A Mixed Methods Study
  • Screening for preterm pre-eclampsia
  • Identifying and targeting modifiable inflammatory factors underlying higher risk of frailty in individuals experiencing deprivation
  • R03311 Integrating Finance and Biodiversity for a Nature Positive Future: distributed virtual research and innovation network for phase 2

Stephen is currently supervising the following Research Students:

Carmel Bond
Charlotte Overton
Collette Adams
Eleanore Lucy Alice Dring
Elizabeth Dodds
Emily Laura Gartshore
Fran Hallam
Judith Robinson
Nicola Fisher
Rachael Lelia Tucker
School Administrative Roles
CHILL - Director of the Centre for Health Innovation Leadership and Learning



Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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