Nottingham University Business School
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Dr Christopher Carter

BSc (Hons) (York), MSc (Nottingham), PhD (Nottingham), UoN 30 credits of PGCHE (2001-current) (Nottingham PGCHE (30 credits) )
Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Department: Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Centre/Institute: HGI
Tel: +44 (0) 115 8466062
Location: B36 (South Building, Jubilee Campus)

Dr Chris James Carter holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of York (BSc Hons), a Masters in Occupational Psychology from the Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, University of Nottingham (MSc Distinction), and a PhD in Computer Science from the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Nottingham. Chris is also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Chris has experience of working within diverse, multicultural research teams both in industry and academia, and is heavily engaged with his respective communities of practice, having developed a wide network of multi-disciplinary research collaborators and small-medium enterprise founders. He has held the role of Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Nottingham University Business School since July 2016, became the School's Deputy Director of MSc Entrepreneurship Programmes in 2018 and in 2023, took on the Director role for the same Programme.

Chris has also held the roles of Co-SIG Chair for Organisational Psychology at the British Academy of Management from September 2016 to July 2018 and has served as Social Media Advocate for the EPSRC-funded Digital Economy Network (DEN). In addition to his research, Chris has extensive teaching experience within a Business School environment at undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral, MBA and Executive MBA levels, has delivered several Executive Education programmes with external clients, and helps to mentor nascent enterprises within the University of Nottingham's Ingenuity Lab. He has acted as an External Advisor on the development of undergraduate Business School programmes for UK-based universities.

To date, Chris has had three successful PhD completions (2019; 2022; 2023), currently supervises four PhD candidates based across Nottingham University Business School and the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training, and has been Internal Examiner for two University of Nottingham PhD theses (November 2019; November 2021) and External Examiner for two University of Warwick PhD theses (May 2020; April 2022). He is currently External Examiner for the Creative Media and Enterprises MA at University of Warwick.

Areas of Expertise
Entrepreneurial Creativity; Digital Entrepreneurship; Digital Marketing; Social Media; Online Identity and Reputation Management; Risk Perception; Social Media Research Ethics.


The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.

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Dr Chris James Carter is a University of Nottingham and two-time Lord Dearing Award-winning lecturer with extensive teaching experience at undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral, full-time MBA and Executive MBA levels (UK and Singapore). Chris' teaching spans the topics of entrepreneurial creativity, digital identity and reputation management, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, research methods and ethics, and professional research skills.

Chris has developed experience of delivering content-driven, teacher-centred models of lecturing, as well as interactive student-centred, learning-driven models through the delivery of seminars, mentoring, and professional development workshops. Through these approaches he aims to enhance student experience by encouraging student-lecturer interaction, developing critical thinking skills through group discussion and personal reflection, and providing timely, constructive feedback.

Chris is particularly passionate about the innovative use of technology within the classroom and has received positive feedback from using social media tools such as Microsoft Teams, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Storify and Spotify to build community and support class interactions.

Christopher is module convenor of the following module(s):


Entrepreneurial Creativity (BUSI4454)


Entrepreneurship and Creativity (BUSI4559)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

Dr Chris James Carter is a mixed methods entrepreneurship researcher and educator with a specific focus on studying the role of digital identity and reputation within the fields of entrepreneurship, creativity, and enterprise education. He is especially interested in how individuals, and in particular entrepreneurs, engage in innovative and creative processes within the technological and socio-cultural structures of digital platforms, including social media and online enterprise networks. This line of research builds upon his PhD work, which adopted an interdisciplinary approach to critically analysing individual and organisational conceptions of digital identity and reputational risk, using a mixed method approach to examine the social psychological, sociological, and technological factors that shape, enable, and constrain the self-regulation of social media use by employees.

Christopher is currently collaborating on the following projects:

  • KTP with Strategic Innovation Limited
University Administrative Roles
Director of MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management (Start: 01/01/2023) Member of Senate Review Group for Student Behaviour and Code of Discipline (2019) Academic Consultant for University Staff Social Media Policy refresh (2021)

School Administrative Roles
Departmental External Engagement Director (HGI)



Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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