Dr Gavin Smith
BSc (Hons) (University of South Australia), PhD (University of South Australia)
Associate Professor in Business Analytics
Department: MarketingCentre/Institute: N/LABE-mail: Gavin.Smith@nottingham.ac.ukTel: +44 (0) 115 7484475
Location: B79 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)
Dr. Gavin Smith is the Data Analytics/Science lead within the N/LAB. He holds a PhD in Computer Science (machine learning/data mining) and his expertise is focused on developing and deploying novel data driven algorithms that facilitate decision making in various commercial and policy context. Focusing on real-world challenges, he directly works with numerous leading national and international companies (see the N/LAB website, http://neodemographics.org, for an up-to-date list). His current research, published jointly in business and computer science venues, focuses on the efficient and effective processing of large data sets in order to better understand, summarise and predict (temporal) human behaviour while ensuring appropriate interpretability for real world impact.
Personal webpage: http://nottingham.ac.uk/~pszgss/
The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.
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Gavin is module convenor of the following module(s):
Machine Learning and Predictable Analytics (BUSI4373)
Details of all modules can be found on
Data driven analytics, human behaviour, temporal data mining and machine learning
Gavin is currently collaborating on the following projects:
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Geospatial Systems
Gavin is currently supervising the following Research Students:
Samuel Smith
School Administrative Roles
Director of MSc Business Analytics
NLab Manager