MBA scholarships
We offer a range of scholarships, allowing talented applicants to apply for the Nottingham University Business School MBA.
Our scholarships aim to attract the most talented students from a wide range of academic backgrounds.
Please be aware that funding is limited, therefore we strongly encourage you to apply for your MBA programme as soon as possible.
Once funding limits have been met, we cannot issue further scholarships.
We will also signpost you to scholarship opportunities offered by other organisations to assist your studies at Nottingham University Business School.
Please discuss your scholarship needs with your Admissions Tutor at interview.
Sponsoring organisations
Many organisations meet all or some of the fees for their employees to study our MBA. The benefits include:
- Students use their business experience in classes and assignment
- Study is flexible according to the needs of your organisation
- Optional modules can help meet development needs or current responsibilities
- Your business can gain benefit through a real issue as the basis for the management project
- Your managers could develop international experience by taking some modules in Malaysia or Singapore
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