Nottingham University Business School
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Karl James McAlinden

BA (Hons) Politics, M.Sc. Leadership for Sustainable Development


Current Status: Resubmission
Year of Registration: 2013
Expected Completion Date: /09/2016

Primary Funding Source:
British Geological Survey (BGS) GeoEnergy Research Centre (GERC)

Research Topic:
International Diffusion and Domestic Development in the Adoption of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCS) by the People's Republic of China

Research Details:
This research aims to identify the current status and future prospects for CCS development and deployment in the People's Republic of China. By identifying Chinese and international CCS stakeholders and an analysis of international activity and communications on CCS-related activities with China, this research aims to investigate the influence and impact of international institutions, programmes and projects, as well as personal interactions on China's adoption of key CCS technologies and CCS-related policy formulation. Key to this research, however, are the efforts made by China in overcoming the barriers and obstacles to CCS development and deployment and how through social learning such advances are communicated and disseminated globally.

Research Supervisor/s: Jinmin Wang

Department: Strategy and International Business

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