Nottingham University Business School
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Sahattaya Achtzehn

Room: C30 (South Building)
Tel: +44 (0) 115 84

Current Status: Registered
Year of Registration: 2018
Expected Completion Date: /09/2021

Primary Funding Source:
Vice Chancellor's Scholarship for Research Excellence

Research Topic:
Evaluating the Impact of Enterprise Education Competition on Entrepreneurial Intentions of STEMM Women Early Career Researchers

Research Details:
Sahattaya's research investigates "To what extent enterprise education competitions (EEC) as a vehicle of entrepreneurship education influence perceived barriers in entrepreneurship and in turn entrepreneurial intentions of STEMM women early career researchers." She employs a mixed-methods (QUAN ? Qual) to answer this research question. She uses pre- and post-surveys and statistical analyses to measure the impact of the EEC programme on perceived barriers and entrepreneurial intentions of men and women participants as well as to test the relationships between these factors. She then employs semi-structured interviews and thematic analyses to explore the experience of women participants before, during and after attending the EEC programme to understand and explain the relationships in further depth. Sahattaya's research addresses three key theoretical gaps in the areas of gender, entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions. The intended contributions are (1) to evaluate whether EECs produce differential outcomes in perceived barriers and entrepreneurial intentions for STEMM men and women early career researchers, (2) to provide qualitative exploration to explain why these observed patterns may occur, and (3) to develop a new EEC impact evaluation model that captures a socio-cultural aspect of perceived barriers as potential determinants of STEMM women's entrepreneurial intentions and as impact measures of EECs.

Research Supervisor/s: Lorna Treanor and Kevin Amess

Department: Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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