Nottingham University Business School
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Vanja Ljevar

CDT PhD student


Current Status: Registered
Year of Registration: 2017
Expected Completion Date: /09/2020

Primary Funding Source:
CDT Horizon

Research Topic:
Exploring perceptions about life with asthma

Research Details:
This PhD aims to leverage existing large data sets ("big data") in a combination with exploratory qualitative research, in order to create a better understanding of the impact perceptions have on behaviour. The first goal of this research was to explore what perceptions people have about asthma.

Patient-related factors that affect adherence, namely perceptions, personality traits and lifestyle create a setting for adherence and their exploration could be assisted by introducing the use of 'novel' data sources (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, forums, etc.). A special array of new opportunities undoubtedly arrived with the velocity, variety, and volume of new big data sources, which makes them particularly relevant to health research (Barrett et al, 2013). It can also be argued that social media and other 'novel data' sources are a powerful pioneering methodology, able to gather insights about different population perceptions and lifestyles, based on machine learning models and linguistic analysis (Myslín et al, 2013; Paul and Dredze, 2011). This means novel data sources are a good route toward capturing attributes that are relevant to individual's thinking, mood and behaviour as changes in activities online are salient with changes 'offline' (De Choudhury et al, 2013).

Research Supervisor/s: James Goulding

Department: Marketing

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