Fiona Frost
MSc Human Resource Management & Organisation BA (Hons) German Studies
Current Status: Registered
Year of Registration: 2021
Expected Completion Date: /01/2024
Primary Funding Source:NUBS Scholarship
Research Topic:Loneliness in work how individuals make sense of loneliness in work in the situated context of remote working.
Research Details:Loneliness in work remains under-researched â€" a state of affairs that persists despite rising scholarly interest following the dramatic rise in levels of remote working precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This research, drawing on the literature in organisational studies and social/organisational psychology/occupational health psychology, seeks to develop a more robust and comprehensive approach to understanding loneliness in work, and to explore how individuals make cognitive sense of the phenomenon.
Research Supervisor/s: Aditya Jain and Latimer, Simona Spedal
Department: Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
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